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Time for the CWB to defend it's democratic principles

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    Time for the CWB to defend it's democratic principles

    The CWB wraps itself in a cloak of
    democracy and transparency. It's time to
    stand up and defend your position.
    Please explain the 68000 ballots and the
    criteria of just who got ballots. Please
    bring forward the number of applications
    for ballots, the percentage of those
    that actually received ballots and the
    reasons for those not receiving ballots.
    Let a third party have access to the
    voters list so that it can be confirmed
    that those that voted were indeed
    farmers. They could also confirm how
    many received more than one ballot. When
    it's all said and done then explain why
    in your democracy only listening to
    your friends is any different than what
    the government is doing.

    I agree with you 100% Craig, right on..


      I'd like to know how many ballots went to farmers versus landlords.

      The answer is highly unlikely to shed a good light on the current propaganda campaign, so I doubt you'd get an honest answer from the CWB.


        I volunteer to go around to verify who these "farmers" actually are (I am sure the board would pay for my expenses to take away any perception of impropriety).

        It might take all winter, but it would definitely be interesting.

        I am guessing the colonies would have gotten A LOT of ballots so I will start there.


          Really? Your really think this would EVER happen? Never happen. Nope, zero chance.

          After launching a campaign to get every NDP housewife and highschool student in Ontario convinced the small farmer and their food supply will end and they wil starve to text to MP's a generated letter, that organization wants survival at any cost and does not care about farmer rights and desires or fairness of any kind.


            Landlords have just as much right to decide where THEIR grain is marketed as anyone else. I read all kinds of comments to the contrary but I don't understand why, after all it IS their grain too if the rental agreement is on a crop-share basis. On a cash rental basis the marketing decision would be negotiable IMHO.


              So Wilagro, why as a farmer do I not
              have the right to chose for how much,
              where and when I sell my wheat?
              Why do others have the right to decide
              on my behalf.

              No one is going to change their
              position on this issue. The only
              certainty is that market choice is


                Did willnot just admit that farmers and landlords have a right to THEIR own grain? That would be a right to property wouldn't it? I can own my grain, but I can't sell it to who I want? WTF?


                  If a landlord cash rents they have choosen not to have a say in cropping and marketing decisions of the grain.


                    <i>"Landlords have just as much right to decide
                    where THEIR grain is marketed as anyone else."
                    So landlords should have a right to decide where
                    their grain is marketed, but the farmers
                    shouldn't..........Now I understand the pro-single
                    desk position perfectly.


                      We do not allow landlords to make ANY decisions whether or not it is a cash/crop/or modified rental agreement. Nothing I hate worse than someone else thinking they know whats good for my biz. Eerily similar to my feeling on the CWB.


                        Even the cash renting Landlord? Or just the crop share landlord?


                          The standard chant in the debate is that farmers should decide. A landlord is not a farmer yet is continully grouped as a farmer when they tally the votes. At the same time those farmers outside the board do not get a vote. Does one have more of a vested interest in the outcome than the other. You could claim American's who do business in Canada have a vested interest in the outcome of a federal election but we don't allow them to vote in our election.


                            I am not considered a farmers by the
                            CWB since i have not had a permit
                            book since 2007.


                              Only the ones that are forced to sign a contract should be the ones allowed to vote. It may result in a few real farmers not being able to vote but would make it so an awfull lot of non farmers do not get to vote.


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