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ROTFL -- The CWB's list of its 46 friends!!!

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    ROTFL -- The CWB's list of its 46 friends!!!

    A coalition of 46 groups and organizations is calling on Ottawa to hold a binding vote to decide the future of the Canadian Wheat Board's single desk powers in Western Canada.

    An open letter was delivered to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Members of Parliament, and Senators asking for a binding vote by farmers before any substantive change to the CWB’s single desk authority is initiated.

    The organizations represented by the coalition are calling for Ottawa to support Canadian food, Canadian farmers, and the Canadian Wheat Board.

    The content of the letter is as follows:

    Dear Prime Minister Harper, Members of Parliament, and Senators:

    Bill C-18, if passed, will destroy the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB). Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz has repeatedly stated that he will not recognize the plebiscite recently conducted by the CWB, in which results were clearly in favour of keeping the CWB as the sole marketing agent for prairie wheat and barley intended for human consumption.

    The CWB was created by an Act of Parliament, and is run by a 15-member Board of Directors, 10 of whom are elected by farmers. The Wheat Board provides fair, equitable, reliable, and cost-effective services to farm families. It provides stability in uncertain times, and is a foundation of Canada’s grain sector.

    Ending the single desk authority of the CWB would throw western agriculture into turmoil and would transfer wealth created by Canadian farmers to big, private, often foreign-owned grain companies—money now returned to farmers, who spend it in their communities. The Minneapolis Grain Exchange has already changed its rules to allow for speculation in futures contracts for Canadian wheat and barley — a move which will increase price volatility for purchasers without providing any benefit to farmers.

    Canada’s political system is built on representative democracy. This means that the law, not merely the person in power, is to be respected and followed. The CWB Act is a law made by Parliament, and it requires a farmer vote before any substantive changes are made to the single desk authority. Our current government is ignoring this law—refusing to hold the required vote—and moving to eliminate the requirement for a vote. This is deeply concerning, as it strikes at the heart of our Canadian democracy.

    We the undersigned:

    · Recognize the billions of dollars of economic value that the CWB creates each year—for farmers, rural communities, short line railroads, and the whole of Canada—as a result of its superior marketing ability, capacity to defend Canadian interests in trade disputes, and commitment to return to farmers all net proceeds from sales.

    · Are proud of the strong international reputation for quality and reliability that Canadian wheat and barley have earned—a direct result of the CWB and its companion institutions, the Canadian Grain Commission and Canadian International Grains Institute.

    · Deplore the government’s disregard for the outcome of the recent plebiscite in which 62 per cent of farmers voted in favour of keeping the single desk for wheat and 51 per cent supported keeping the single desk for barley.

    We therefore call upon the Prime Ministers, MPs, and Senators to immediately stop undermining the single desk authority of the CWB. We further insist that Parliament must comply with the Canadian Wheat Board Act, Section 47.1, which requires a binding plebiscite (vote) of farmers before any substantive change to the CWB’s single desk authority is initiated.


    Agriculture Workers Alliance

    Bathurst Street United Church, Toronto

    Big Carrot Natural Food Market


    Brandon University Students' Union

    Briarpatch Magazine

    Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)

    Canadian Labour Congress

    Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)

    Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)

    Canadian Wheat Board Alliance

    CCNB Action (Conservation Council of New Brunswick)

    Centre for Social Justice

    Coalition On The Niagara Escarpment

    Council of Canadians

    Council of Canadians - Moose Jaw, Sask. Chapter

    Council of Canadians - Prince Albert, Sask. Chapter

    Council of Canadians - Winnipeg, Man. Chapter

    CWA/SCA (Communications Workers Union) Canada

    Food Action Committee of the Ecology Action Centre

    Food Secure Canada

    Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board

    GE Watch Comox Valley


    Grain Services Union (GSU)

    Greenpeace Canada

    Growing Food Security in Alberta

    Health Sciences Association of Alberta

    Inter Pares

    International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 529

    Lardeau Valley Seed Savers

    Les AmiEs de la Terre de Québec

    LIFT (Low Income Families Together)

    National Farmers Union

    National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)

    New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice

    Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) - Windsor

    Organic Food Council of Manitoba (OFCM)

    Oxfam Canada

    Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL)

    Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN)

    Society for a GE Free BC

    The Ark Farm, B&B, Vegetables, & Native Plants

    Union paysanne

    United Church of Canada

    United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW)

    The "Friends of the Earth from Quebec", and the "New Brunswick Common Front for Social Justice"!!

    Too funny!!!


      I am trying to laugh Kodiak, and at face value this
      list is laughable.
      Talk about an A list of the "entitled"!
      However,as I perused these organizations it seems
      more revealing of the CWB politics and ideology
      than relating to any semblance of business
      principles or sustainability.

      Gotta love the "LIFT" acronym... Low Income
      Families Together... seems especially in tune with
      CWB practices.

      Thanks for the revelation, although it

      even hurts when I laugh!.. Cheers... Bill


        I think a prerequisite to having the opinion: you want to save the CWB for the good of farmers, should mean that YOU want to average YOUR wage with YOUR colleagues. This is a great idea for unions: average workers capital and redistribute equally!

        And I also wonder where the "Partridge in a Pear Tree" is on the list of groups.


          It is a god damn good thing I am not Stephen Harper.

          The first thing after receiving this letter is I would say " I give up, you guys win. Today I am announcing measures to implement the cwb across Canada. And to all people involved we will drop your wages accordingly to the price of grain and pay you as we see fit. Never mind the fact that you have done a years work, you will be paid as we see fit, then if we decide we don't want to pay you we won't.

          Now if any of you want to retract your signatures to this nonsense, we will fully understand, but tough shit""

          Bunch of ****ing morons.


            What's the old saying "you can tell a lot about someone by the friends they keep"?


              What percentage of that list actually understands the issue?

              What percentage has any interest in understanding the issue?

              What percentage is obviously just taking care of their interests?

              What percentage would be impressed if say the WCWG was telling them how to run their business??


                "OMG" !!!! 90% of this list could not grow a fukin flower in a pot, and they want to tell me how to market grains I spend hundereds of thousands of dollars each fukin year in my community that supports their jobs to opperate my farm. I will officialy give my time to speak at each one of their annual meetings for a little insight on the real world. Pollitely.
                And greenpeace, *** me are you serious?? They could not make ice in the Yukon, let alone know sfa about the CWB.
                The IBEW - WTH - did they wire the Mission terminal and the new ships.
                CUPE - CUPW - I should dictate how much you should make in a year and when and how much you get paid.
                Give me and ten thousand farmers a say at each one of your annual meetings how you are to get paid, how much and when - What say you then ???????
                Wow, what a strange fukin world...


                  O.K. I will tone it down a bit but this b/s needs a bulldozer now before it goes too far.


                    What's common to this list, is that they all want the cheap food policy to continue. They want the wheat board to continue providing low cost grains to their mills, so they can continue eating low cost breads, donuts, and pastas. They don't give a sweet eff about wheat an' barley growers in Western Canada.


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