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Ag minister Ritz trashes ‘Stash for Cash'

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    Ag minister Ritz trashes ‘Stash for Cash'

    Ag minister Ritz trashes ‘Stash for Cash

    Posted on December 2, 2011 by Harry Siemens

    Ag minister Gerry Ritz cuts stash for cash...He's still smiling!

    Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz is going to need a scarf to keep warm this winter. Canada has lost one of the most recognizable mustaches in politics after an astonishing $15,716 was donated in support of prostate cancer research and the freeing of Minister Ritz’s upper lip.

    “While I am sad to see it go, I’m more than happy to keep my end of the bargain in the fight against this far too prevalent disease,” said Minister Ritz. “We already know that Canadian farmers and processors deliver the best food to the world, but now it’s clear that our agriculture industry has some of the best fundraisers too.”

    Less than a month ago, Minister Ritz pledged to shave off his moustache if $10,000 could be raised for prostate cancer research, coinciding with the “Movember” movement. In just 8 days after declaring his participation, the fate of Minister Ritz’s moustache was clear.

    On December 2, Minister Ritz was ranked as the 20 largest individual fundraiser in Canada and 37 in the world. Minister Ritz is a member of Team Western “Moducer” which includes participants from the agriculture newspaper called the Western Producer. The Western Producer team is sitting in 74 spot on Canada’s Team Leaderboard and has raised a total of $21,243. Canada is leading the charge globally by raising more than $37 million, with 246,304 registered participants.

    “While I thought I had set the bar high enough to protect my moustache, it was obvious early on that there was little hope of keeping it,” said Minister Ritz. “I have only ever shaved my moustache once since I became old enough to grow one but this small act is nothing compared to the sacrifice made every day by prostate cancer victims and their families.”

    November has quickly become recognized as a month to promote prostate cancer awareness thanks in large part to the worldwide “Movember” movement. According to Prostate Cancer Canada, 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with a form of prostate cancer, making it the most common cancer among Canadian men.

    Minister Ritz thanked the Imperial Barbershop for hosting the historic event. With a history dating back to the early 1900’s, it was the perfect location for Minister Ritz to lose the moustache he’s had with him for most of his life.

    Donations can continue to be made directly to the Movember organization.

    You can also write a cheque payable to Movember Canada, reference Gerry Ritz and Registration # 2736566 and send it to: Movember Canada, 119 Spadina Avenue, PO Box 65, Toronto, ON M5T 2T2

    If you’d like to find out more about Movember go to their website

    Thanks Gerry, you are a truly kind and honourable gentleman.

    "Thanks Gerry, you are a truly kind and honourable gentleman."

    When you are through lauding this "gentleman", send him a letter asking him why the federal government refuses to take responsibility for their deliberate inaction that triggered the BSE fiasco. His response might cause you to reconsider your choice of descriptors, as it has many cattle producers.

    Regardless of the perceived favor he has done your industry, he's a politician first, Tom, and you would be wise to never forget it.


      What year was that again? Can't remember right now?



        When I look at the hours of 'beyond the call of duty' the Hounourable Minister Ritz has done.... plus the horrible media bias and tough issues he was handed... Gerry has been a friend of Agriculture in Canada... Especially Western Canada. Gerry could only proceed with actions the legal dept. of the Government of Canada would allow... NOT his own agenda.

        As for BSE I don't understand how you can blame Gerry for this disaster he had nothing to do with creating. BSE was truly a bad dark part of our history... but so was the colapse in hog markets and high feed costs added on top.

        In the end it was a business choice livestock producers made to be a part of these production systems. NOT Minister Ritz putting a 'gun' to their head telling these farmers they must produce hogs and cattle.

        I stand by my statement. Mark my words... the Hounourable Minister of Agriculture Ritz will be judged by history as one of the most colourful and positive leaders in our nation's history!

        God Bless Canada!


          Tom, Gerry Ritz is just doing his job - long hours or short - and when his job is done he will continue to be paid a big 5 or 6 figure pension, unlike many others who go long shifts between punching time clock for trifling pay.

          You are wrong in thinking that I am blaming Ritz for the BSE fiasco. His fault lies in stone-walling those who are asking that the federal government sit sown and talk about what happened.

          The reason? Cost. He knows that acknowledging that BSE was preventable is going to cost the Government of Canada a lot of money. A LOT of money.

          Dismantling the CWB comes with no cost attached, thus making it a much easier decision for the government. The difference is that had the government fulfilled its duties, AS DID THOSE OF OTHER COUNTRIES, the BSE mess would never have happened. Thus, it is liable and Ritz knows it.

          As far as your comment about the cattle industry being a bad choice, well that may have been about the stupidest thing you have ever said on this board! If you had any friends who are in the cattle business, you might want to issue a retraction of that statement...

          By the same logic, you had no right to complain about growing wheat (or not) just because you thought that the CWB wasn't maximizing profits! You should just have stepped away from growing wheat and shut your mouth - leaving it to those who are more efficient and don't mind selling through the CWB whatever the price!. No one was holding a gun to your head either, ordering you to grow wheat!

          And as for your comparison between the hog and cattle markets - another fail! I'm not in hogs so I cannot comment on the cause of their difficulties, but I know that it was not a result of bad regulatory decisions by the federal government, more specifically the CFIA.

          I have no dog in the fight over the death of the CWB - it appears that you consider yourself among the winners, so I'm glad for you. But in view of this, perhaps you should just acknowledge that your high praise of Ritz is nothing other than good, old-fashioned butt kissing.

          I'm not really into that kind of stuff.

          Canada bless God!


            I said: "In the end it was a business choice livestock producers made to be a part of these production systems."

            I stand by this as I could have easily grown cattle or hogs on our farm.

            I know how hard politics is on a person and a family.

            I appreciate the genuine good will and hard work Minister Ritz has done... especially for western Canada.

            I stand by this... it is my opinion, not 'butt kissing'.

            Whatever your notion of serving others... please be generous and positive about those who give up nearly everything private to serve the vast majority of people... who are unthankful and unkind. You prove my point all too well... unfortunately.


              As you prove mine! Did Ritz not choose politics? Did anyone hold a gun to his head to get into his role? Tom, you're being disingenuous!

              You're making Ritz out to be a hero for getting into a rewarding job with its expected issues. Then you cast aspersions on cattle farmers for being in their chosen business when it collapsed due to grievously negligent gov't policy!

              Would you also blame a **** victim for being a **** victim? "Well you chose to be where you were at the time, didn't you, too bad for you", Tom would tell them.

              At the moment, Ritz might be your hero for what he has done for you but don't be surprised if not everyone clambers to get in on your little parade.



                The gov. had special programs; in our family there are those who grow both cattle and hogs. We help each other when possible.

                I chose to grow flax; which CDC Saskatoon contaminated with the triffid gm event (which got out to nearly everyone's farms in western Canada). Minister Gerry Ritz did not personally compensate our farm for this horrible expensive disaster... yet I am thankful for the work he does do in a positive way.

                We live in the best country in the world; With the most opportunity to prosper and build strong communities.

                I am sad your bitterness has not been resolved. Unforgivness is a horrible curse we choose for ourselves that shortens our lives. I hope you will have a better 2012 and can enjoy Christmas with those you love.

                That **** thing was totally uncalled for.


                  Who said there is unforgiveness? Is asking for justice to be considered the same as bitterness? Do you consider it wrong to hold government to the same standard as they impose upon us as citizens? How will bureaucracy learn accountability if given a tabula rasa?

                  Be realistic, Tom!

                  Thank you for your kind wishes and I hope the same for you and yours!



                    Tom talking about unforgiveness? who holds more grudges than Tom.


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