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'SHAM'wow Minister Berger Defends Bills 10/36

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    'SHAM'wow Minister Berger Defends Bills 10/36

    Dear Shaney,

    Your 'RealAgriculture.com presentation of Minister Berger... is excellent and well worth the time to listen to.

    I have been involved in the Bill 36 'Stewardship' debate for at least 4 years... The Gov. of AB REFUSES to come clean and show us what they are up to on Bill 36... the 'SHAMwow' bill of the century for Alberta.

    I posted this on the Audio thread... folks need to understand WHY it is that Minister Berger is being deceptive... it is hard to believe he, Ted Morton... and Alison do not understand what is going on. The AB Gov. clearly are removing property rights... not expanding them.

    The property rights Advocate is simply a grief counclor... to council us... that we lost our property rights... just as the vast majority of us lost our mines and mineral rights to the railways in the early 1880's to build the 'Canadian Dream'.

    The AB Gov... is doing exactly the same trick... with these bills.

    Here is what I posted below:


    I am truly amazed by this audio.

    Minister Berger uses the term 'Sham wow salesman’...!!!
    As well as "telling the same story, over and over... does NOT make it true".
    - BACK on YOU Minister Berger.
    I couldn't have said this better...

    Get out P.C. Bills 10/36 and 'SHAM wow' polish your own mirrors... you are totally right..."telling the same story, over and over... does NOT make what you say true".

    I have PUBLICALLY challenged Minister Berger and (the Bill 36 LUF) Commissioner Seiferling to show us how Bill 36 would have saved ONE acre of productive Agricultural land... They haven’t been able to demonstrate this… very likely the exact opposite is true.

    If Bills 10/36 had been in place for the last 10 years… Commissioner Morris acknowledged, to me, they would NOT save Ag lands... in fact; when, the ‘unintended consequences’ of EX Liberal leader Dr. Ken Nicols, Stelmach, and Mortons' "Environmental Goods and Services" Million $ Report are added in... Bill 36/10 puts far more pressure on taking even MORE the best productive Ag lands out of the Alberta private Land Bank.

    The AB P.C.'s have failed to release this Dr. Nichol "Environmental Goods and Services" Stewardship action plan for 2 years...

    Minister Berger being the latest offender since taking office last fall.
    Thanks for bringing this up AGAIN Minister Berger.

    I know… this is too complex for the average Alberta Citizen to understand… we must ‘Trust’ you and ‘Alison in Wonderland’.

    "SHAM wow" Minister Berger... what an excellent quote for you and Minister Morton and ‘Alison in Wonderland’!

    P.S. Just read this…from http://www.cbc.ca/edmonton/news/pdf/morton-metis.pdf

    You will see the ‘Stewardship’ "Environmental Goods and Services" issue is truly front and centre… the P.C. Cabinet wants to make the Ag Private land pool as small as possible which increases pressure on productive Agriculture in Alberta… by restricting native lands and property rights even further.

    Thanks again Shaney… for bring this to us!!!

    BACKGROUND E-mail:

    From: tmortonl@telus.net
    To: Frederick Lee
    Sent: Sat Nov 15 18: 17:08 2008
    Subject: revisions to LUF
    Please see attached or below. Forward to Morris and whomever else needs to see it.

    15 November
    Re: Revisions to LUG Final Version
    I've reviewed the latest round of revisions and changes, and am generally satisfied with four
    important exceptions and two questions. I also have some additional editing that I'd like to see
    done, but will bring tliat with me on Monday.
    Not Acceptable:
    1. Glossary, p.41, definition of "Aboriginals": As I told Min. Z at CPC, I cannot accept
    adding "Inuit" to the membership of Aboriginals involved in LAND USE ISSUES in
    Alberta. There are no Native Inuit communities, now or ever, in Alberta, so they have no
    connection to land use issues. If they have other Aboriginal rights that can be exercised in
    Alberta, ok. But they have nothing to do with land use policy.
    1. Glossary, p. 43, definition of "private lands": "Metis settlements" have never been
    considered "private lands" in the conventional sense of the tenm in Alberta, and now is not
    the time to start. I could write pages on this, but to cut to the chase: if the Metis
    Settlements suddenly want to share in some of the potential benefits of private land
    ownership, do they also want to be subject to all the other restrictions and duties that attach
    to private land ownership in Alberta? I doubt it. They cannot have their cake and eat it too.
    The issue of eligibility of Metis Settlement lands for possible benefits under future
    Stewardship and Conservation programs is a legitimate question, but it is a question that
    will have to be discussed, not simply asserted.
    1. p.34, first column: re-write as follows: "The Land Use Framework will be implemented in
    stages over the next four years. The first priorities are:
    "The introduction and enactment oflegislation required to support the implementation of
    this report. This legislation will be introduced in the Spring, 2009 Session of the
    Legislature .
    .. the development of metropolitan plans for the Capital and Calgary regions. Both of these
    are scheduled to be completed in 2009 .
    . "the regional plans for the South Saskatchewan and Lower Athabasca regions. These are
    both scheduled to be completed in 2010.
    4. p.34, second column, fifth bullet: either clarify what this means or delete it. I certainly can't
    understand what it means.
    1. Cabinet Policy Committee: What is the status of this? There seems to be some
    changes/deletions on p. 4, but then it remains as before in the remainder of the document: pp. 2,
    18,25,34. I thought Eric told my something about Premier's Office wanting it deleted, but it
    seems a little late in the day for this. Please clarify with Morris and P AB.
    2. p.24: Requirement that Municipalities submit compliance plans or "context statements" (a
    terrible term) confirming/explaining how they have complied with the Regional Plan that applies
    to them. Why was this requirement deleted and what was it replaced with? I don't recall any
    discussion in CPC or otherwise about this. Please advise.


    After all; 'Progressive' Liberal politicans like Premier REDford and Minister Berger believe that for the majority of Albertans; it is true that if they repeat a deception often enough, our citizens will accept it as the truth.

    So surely, if we repeat the truth often enough they will accept it as the truth.


      I knew Berger when he was a county Reeve. He was straight forward and honest. It is very sad to see him sell his integrity for a few (or many) pieces of silver. I attended several of the open houses. 90% of the people said repeal the bills and start over. No one asked for an advocate. The changes to to the land confiscation bills prove we wasted our time and money attending these Sham(wow) consultations, the decisions were already made.
      Another former Reeve, Pay Prins, has also abandoned any semblance of integrity by collecting $18,000 per year chairing a committee that never meets. Rays comment," I won't return the money, I have done nothing wrong". Taking unearned money from taxpayers for doing nothing is wrong Ray. You wrote the law, so it's legal, but it's wrong. It is hard to understand how 2 decent men have become so corrupted after only a few years as part of the PC government.


        I knew Berger when he was a county Reeve. He was straight forward and honest. It is very sad to see him sell his integrity for a few (or many) pieces of silver. I attended several of the open houses. 90% of the people said repeal the bills and start over. No one asked for an advocate. The changes to to the land confiscation bills prove we wasted our time and money attending these Sham(wow) consultations, the decisions were already made.
        Another former Reeve, Pay Prins, has also abandoned any semblance of integrity by collecting $18,000 per year chairing a committee that never meets. Rays comment," I won't return the money, I have done nothing wrong". Taking unearned money from taxpayers for doing nothing is wrong Ray. You wrote the law, so it's legal, but it's wrong. It is hard to understand how 2 decent men have become so corrupted after only a few years as part of the PC government.


          I knew Berger when he was a county Reeve. He was straight forward and honest. It is very sad to see him sell his integrity for a few (or many) pieces of silver. I attended several of the open houses. 90% of the people said repeal the bills and start over. No one asked for an advocate. The changes to to the land confiscation bills prove we wasted our time and money attending these Sham(wow) consultations, the decisions were already made.
          Another former Reeve, Pay Prins, has also abandoned any semblance of integrity by collecting $18,000 per year chairing a committee that never meets. Rays comment," I won't return the money, I have done nothing wrong". Taking unearned money from taxpayers for doing nothing is wrong Ray. You wrote the law, so it's legal, but it's wrong. It is hard to understand how 2 decent men have become so corrupted after only a few years as part of the PC government.


            Heres what Ray Prins had to say in the legislature on March 15th

            Previous page Home page

            Ray Prins Shows He Still Doesn't Get It-Hansard Mar 15/12
            Property Rights

            Mr. Prins: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I am pleased to rise and
            thank Albertans for their valuable input into an important matter,
            property rights. This past January several hon. members took part
            in a province-wide initiative to gather feedback from Albertans.
            The goal was to find grassroots solutions to the property rights
            concerns that Albertans have raised.
            In February the government released a document that outlined
            what we heard along with the solutions provided to the Property
            Rights Task Force from Albertans and the government's response
            to these recommendations. The viewpoints provided by Albertans
            were consistent and can be broken into four overarching themes.
            First, Albertans told us that they must be actively consulted
            about decisions that affect them. Albertans also told us that they
            need to be assured that they have access to courts, and Albertans
            expect appropriate compensation. Most importantly, they asked
            for an advocate to help them navigate through the process. I'm very
            pleased to say that we have responded to Albertans with
            Bill 6, the Property Rights Advocate Act. The property rights
            advocate, under the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, will
            provide independent and impartial information to landowners and
            will work to ensure property rights continue to be protected.
            It's very clear Albertans expect government to protect their
            property rights and to ensure their core values are represented when
            decisions are made in the public interest. I'm very proud that under
            our Premier's direction we're using the comments and solutions
            provided to us by Albertans to make improvements that will benefit
            all landowners.
            Thank you.



              The bottom line is Ray Prins and Evan Berger have sold out and need to be fired! The only ones who can fire them are the people who vote in their ridings?

              If you want to see a real piece of work, read PC MLA Jack Haydens' column in the Hanna News? Now I realize Jack isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but is he so stupid he doesn't realize Bill 24 (Carbon Capture) did take property...no compensation....no access to the courts! You can surely bet their will be a reply in letters to the editor!
              Visit albertasurfacerights.com to keep up with all the government property rights scandals.


                AND THE ALTERNATIVE IS; The Wilted Rose
                Party, a buncha ultra conservative,
                dinosaurs wantin private medicine,
                lockem up and throw away the key, less
                tax, love kiss and position themselves
                better ta help BIG oilies, steal from
                the poor fer the betterment of the rich.
                Grab yer gun and ride out ta protect yer
                own land, sara pallin admirers,
                mavericks, teabaggers extrodinare. Wow,
                how f'd is ole Albertie!!!!!!


                  Burbert: I don't know where you get your information on the Wildrose party...definitely not from their policy statements!
                  If people are satisfied with the government taking their property and their rights, then they should just continue to vote for the Tory party? They certainly will get more of the same!
                  If they detest a "small c" alternative party like the WRP, they can always vote for the Libs or NDP.......which will ensure nothing will change and we'll have the same old PC gang back in power!
                  If they want their property back the only game in town is the Wildrose.



                    Burberts comments are expected... we would know someone else took over that handle if any other kind of comment was posted here.

                    Thanks Burbert!



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