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Still can't sit down

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    Still can't sit down

    After finalizing seeding plans found out we were going to be a little short on N. Had to dish out .70/pd to buy some urea. 28 was out of the question at .89/pd. Could have got anhydrous for .65/pd. Might be forced to go back to it in 2013. Prices similar everywhere? What are these guys running around doing stupidly high priced last minute rent deals thinking?

    Had all our Fert needs at Xmas.
    But short on project 80 acres of 200Lbs
    Its one of our test plots this year to see
    if it will match the pig shit.
    Yea one guy 7 miles away took on a section
    and he uses liquid. Didnt know till last
    week. he only farms 16.


      Only 16?

      What a loser.

      Why bother?


        Good for him, good to see the "smaller" guys still in the game.


          That's not what's saying.


            LOL silver.. Good one. Heck sf3 could just drop
            one wing and catch that on the way back home.
            That farmer is lucky he has neighbors that think of


              You have a problem with small guys silverback? **** you


                tstep: I think he was being sarcastic, I hope. We aren't big either but solid a rock. If you want to farm big acres you need a good team, be it family or good hired men or a combination of both. To each their own!!


                  he only farms 16,leave it to sf3 to say that.


                    Hey, don't set your hair on fire tstep. Silver's on your side. Engage brain before starting keyboard.


                      I only farm 14. I must be even a bigger joke than the guy who farms 16. lol

                      SF3 means well, I am sure. He is just used to being big, and so for him it truly is small peanuts. I will give him a break on this...

                      It is like when I get in line for fert or something, and the young punk asks how much I got in so far. "100 acres" I reply. "Oh we got 1400 in" He states. Then slyly continues, loudly so everyone can hear over the hum of the blender, "Only 7600 left to go now." His chest is so enlarged at this point, and his nose so high in the air, that I am surprised his last name is not Pigeon, or Eagle, or something.

                      He neglects to mention daddy has three hired men, two brothers, a wife who makes 80 G's a year, and 3 outfits going. HA HA. Thing is the punk looks at you as if you are his next meal, waiting to gobble up your land, cuz obviously you are a loser when you can only seed 100 acres in a half a day!!! ANd hauling fertilizer in a three ton? For shame!!!

                      So he goes home, and probably asks old pa about me and what they should offer me to buy little old me out. lol


                        Most of the above posts were in sarcasm. The
                        trouble is, that sarcasm is difficult to interpret in
                        text form. Either way, the crop will go in, and the
                        crop will come off, big farms and small farms. It
                        does make a chuckle as to what farmers think of
                        others and then call them neighbors.
                        I have a big farmer neighbor that bought out his
                        brother, got divorced and then changed over to
                        organic. We had a discussion about the
                        tumultuous couple of years he had experienced.
                        One thing he said I thought was fitting was, "what
                        people think of me is one of my business"
                        meaning that he was busy dealing with his own
                        life and not concerned about what everybody else
                        was guessing at how it turn out for him.


                          Lighten up you guys. Is it the wind blowing your
                          hair around and irritating your brain glands?

                          Pas problem!


                            Obviously tstep needs a vacation, or a hug.

                            Do I really have to indicate when sarcasm is on?

                            I don't begrudge anyone who has built operations like sask3 and his family. It takes big stones and the will to get it done (and a very supportive spouse!).


                              We do need a sarcasm button it seems. LOL I had a real good, and I mean real good laugh when I read tsteps post! Reminded me of grade 11 girl fights, or this...


                              You gotta watch this prank, and how the dude he calls gets his panties in a knot. Hilarious...

                              Your not afraid of me. LOL hahahahahahaha!!!!!

                              BTO and, well you guys fill in the blanks... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


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