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Did the left keep the PC's in power in Alberta?

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    Did the left keep the PC's in power in Alberta?

    Popular vote: PC's down from 52 - 44% (drop of 8%). WRP up from 14% - 34% (up 20%). Something here tells me that there were many liberals and maybe even some NDPer's that voted PC to keep out the WRP.

    If this is correct, is Redford beholding to the left who kept her in power or will she reach back to the WRP members?

    Bottom line....Redford's Alberta will make Saskatchewan an even more attractive place....Thanks!

    I guess a large chunk of Albertan's don't care about property rights. Weird.


      Agree. REDford and Olsen etc are NDP/Lib at heart.
      WRP are the new right.
      PC the new Libs.
      Alberta has become increasingly urban/labor/social etc. It's a shadow politically of what it once was. Perhaps a symptom of too much success for too long. I now envy to some degree Sask.
      On the bright side we have an opposition. WRP was obviously green and was very reminiscent of early Reform. Now is not the time to quiet our libertarian beliefs.
      Note the close percentages between WRP & REDs in some ridings. Certified bum-kins losing to PC by only a few votes. Will the REDs pull this knotted rope thru their ears? Hopefully makes for an interesting legislature.


        Property rights are not enshrined in our constitution (if it helps).
        They certainly aren't on the radar for the majority of voters (obviously).
        What do they mean for the majority of voters? 8-5 fixed incomes with a house and lot if their lucky.
        Remember, we are a few generations removed from anyone who earned these rights.
        And they don't seem to hold a large place at the core of Canadian culture in general.
        In short, you can't win a three-legged race in Canada on property rights alone. Sad but true.




            THis is reminiscent of the early reform days, lots of my friends continued to vote PC instead of Reform for a couple of elections federally. Old habits die hard, and lots of their parents had engineering contracts with the Government. People are slow to change. ONce the provincial P.C.'s continue to not balance the books, 1/2 of the voters will move to WRP and they will win the next election. All and all, VERY scary times in Alberta, and very disapointing.


              H2S, I think an awful lot of Albertans don't know
              anything about the property rights issue. I think
              that the biggest mistake the WR made was to limit
              the property rights discussion to rural
              constituencies. They needed to scare the urban
              voter that they too could lose their property titles
              under current PC legislation.
              Instead the urban voters got scared by a few social
              media stunts and a fair bit of general media bias in
              the last few days over pretty insignificant issues.
              The fools that voted PC because the WR was
              portrayed to be bigoted on the gay issue just re-
              elected the party that gave themselves power to
              rescind everyones marriage status as well as their
              property rights. Conservative majority = worst
              possible result.


                Lesson learned! Rural framer votes in
                Albertie are no longer meaningful! Not
                enough framers left out on the land, we
                dun it ta ourselves. Lectricity needed in
                the big cities, ta run their computin
                machines in ipods who cares about property
                rights gotta have power. AFTER ALL NOBODY
                THE LANDSCAPE FER SC****S........



                  I totally agree... the average urban person has NO concept of rural private land ownership... where 90 percent of government industrial activity happens.

                  We got the government we deserve. 50 percent of people have gov. to thank for pay check (in some way)... so do not expect them to ask for a balanced budget (when the next generation they do not have a part in) will pay. These folks are not really socialist... they are just wanting a little more from their employer... which Alison promised to give them. VERY logical and predictable!

                  Same in the US with Obama.


                  God Bless Canada!


                    Thanks Goodness we in majority.
                    GF, don't see property right issue on
                    campagain on television so it is no
                    bigger deal issue to us and urban is
                    what urban get. Long live PC. I like
                    Redford statement at end of speech.
                    Waving Alberta flag whhooa.


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