I well remember a fellow with a DOS based computer nearly 10 years ago. He had exactly the same argument even though windows was well established. Today we surely all agree that "windows" is absolutely essential; but guess wha;t we had better not totally throw out the "command prompt" just yet.
Similarly we absolutely need high speed internet; with its always on feature; doesn't tie up the phone lines; unlimited plans; vastly superior speeds etc. You just can't run the weaterbug station; stream live video in high definition; or even dream of surveillance and a low latency necessary to have a pleasant experience with internet telephone. And that latency is why satellite solutions will probably never make a good solution for telephone or two way local communications.
And please don't forget the fact that farmers are still poorly served by high speed internet service; and it won't be generally provided anytime soon. That problem reaches well beyond any single persons private solutions.
And that is the point I am trying to convey. Looks at the big problem of a general comparative failure of access to affordable widespread high speed internet that more urban people have had in abundance for years.
Similarly we absolutely need high speed internet; with its always on feature; doesn't tie up the phone lines; unlimited plans; vastly superior speeds etc. You just can't run the weaterbug station; stream live video in high definition; or even dream of surveillance and a low latency necessary to have a pleasant experience with internet telephone. And that latency is why satellite solutions will probably never make a good solution for telephone or two way local communications.
And please don't forget the fact that farmers are still poorly served by high speed internet service; and it won't be generally provided anytime soon. That problem reaches well beyond any single persons private solutions.
And that is the point I am trying to convey. Looks at the big problem of a general comparative failure of access to affordable widespread high speed internet that more urban people have had in abundance for years.