Seems a old once in a blue moon problem is
showing up in east sask. Leafhoppers early in
spring blew up here from USA on all those winds.
They then effect a perfect healthy plant and you
get aster yellows.
Yield loss on early canola looks 35 to 45 percent.
Yea it's going to be a bumper.
Google aster yellow canola. Lots of info.
Our canola is dropped to a 6 from 8.
showing up in east sask. Leafhoppers early in
spring blew up here from USA on all those winds.
They then effect a perfect healthy plant and you
get aster yellows.
Yield loss on early canola looks 35 to 45 percent.
Yea it's going to be a bumper.
Google aster yellow canola. Lots of info.
Our canola is dropped to a 6 from 8.