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What the Hell !!

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    What the Hell !!

    Was talking to a neighbor this morning. Claims
    he phoned a small town elevator just across the
    Saskatchewan border, and told them he would
    like to bring some wheat samples down. They
    told him not to bother, they do not mix U.S.
    grain with Canadian grain. What the hell is up
    with that ?

    What variety, it should have to be registered here to mix with our wheat.


      Is there a price difference?


        He said conversation was so short that price
        never even came up. I know it is Mackenzie
        wheat. He said basically they said not even
        interested in Canadian grain. I am as puzzled as
        hell over this. May have to take a small road trip
        one day this week, buy some cheap american
        beer, and find out what is going on.



          Not surprising this time of year! Getting CONTRACTED sold grain into our local CDN elevator isn't easy either.

          Try next April and I think you will get a reallly different response!


            Seems like they are looking after their American customer base. Good for them.


              Agchat, I believe there is still a requirement for end user certificates on Can. grain in the US. Some elevators down south aren't cool with the administration on segregating and tracking Can. grain.

              Keep looking and you'll find ND elevators that will take the wheat. But, I'll be very surprised if there's any price advantage, just regulatory headaches ie. Homeland Security.


                It is related to the provisions in NAFTA, in other words
                only large corporate entities need apply to do business
                in the USA and vis versa. Individuals, such as framers,
                have been hung out to dry and in fact pay more duty
                and tariffs now than prior to this fu*cked up
                agreement hatch by Bulroney!!!!!


                  Lucky for you burbert Justine Trudeau has sailed in to save the day with mulcair!



                    Bottom line is that some US elevators want to buy Canadian grain and some don't. Its easier if its US varieties to begine with. Thing is that if the product is going to any PL480 program it has to be of US origin. There was an issue a few years ago with this over pulses. I think the US prices that are advertized make a good way to see if local bids are close enough. As its been for years with the old non wheat board crops , Oats, sunflowers, beans,rye,flax and canola and others there were years where US prices were higher than what was available up here. Other times the US prices were way below what I could get locally. Check around


                      Its too bad that the traffic of grain can't move north south when the reasons are right. For instance, if it is closer to access the US system that is where the grain should move.

                      Its about creating better efficiencies of grain movement. Someday the american farmer may want to move his grain north. No sense in shutting down his opportunities.

                      The americans are localized, maybe can't see the bigger picture.

                      A north American answer has to be an end result whether it be movement of grain, water, energy etc.,as the imaginary lines on a map don't follow geographic barriers.


                        ReAlItY ChEcK!!!

                        IT IS SILLY SEASON ELECTION TIME!

                        Should we expect anything else right now???




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