Try 100ac... I will tell you why.
2010... had Beautiful waist high 100 ac soy... did everything right... double innoculant phos... light sensitive varieties... too cold in Aug/Sept... NO SEED YEILD. COST $15,000.
2012... 30bu/ac cause Aug/Sept was warmer and didn't freeze till October.
Now we have to roast the soy to feed it to anything!
I would wait till I had a long term weather forcast (saying it was to be hot and no Sept frost) I trusted... till planting soy in central SK/AB on hundreds of acres.
We need a minimum of $50M of light sensitive/cold tolerance varietial development to get soy crop risk down.
When Crop Insurance will cover the soy crop... THEN I will start planting field scale.
Try 100ac... I will tell you why.
2010... had Beautiful waist high 100 ac soy... did everything right... double innoculant phos... light sensitive varieties... too cold in Aug/Sept... NO SEED YEILD. COST $15,000.
2012... 30bu/ac cause Aug/Sept was warmer and didn't freeze till October.
Now we have to roast the soy to feed it to anything!
I would wait till I had a long term weather forcast (saying it was to be hot and no Sept frost) I trusted... till planting soy in central SK/AB on hundreds of acres.
We need a minimum of $50M of light sensitive/cold tolerance varietial development to get soy crop risk down.
When Crop Insurance will cover the soy crop... THEN I will start planting field scale.