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How much input in decision making does your spouse have?

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    Yea that's 95-5


      Congratulations Klause, you may have less
      experience but your one of the few with
      the right attitude !


        50-50..We are partners so all decisions are made together..I seed, she hauls fert and seed..I spray she hauls the water and chem..I swath she combines..I haul the grain off the combine..We each drive a tandem and she hauls 1/2 the grain to the terminal...She does the books and income tax..We each wash dishes and vacuum 1/2 the time..After 33 yrs we are still like "Newly Weds"..Life is GOOD!!!!


          My wife is 50/50 she's the onfarm agronomist, she has her Class 1A license andthere isn't to much she can't do on the farm. Her Corp owns the equipment, Mine owns the land. (For income splitting and handy for a divorce if she doesn't let me have my way LOL). She is a key player would be lost without her.


            mbratrud: Key and team players. Good to hear. When everyone is working towards the same agreed upon goals I can't imagine what could be accomplished. In all aspects of your lives together.


              there is a lot here than will ever get talked about. Sometimes a spouse may come into the relationship with assets, maybe not, maybe experience, maybe a higher paying job, does some great cooking and gardenning and yard work and works maybe more with the kids, that all takes time and is enjoyable to be in a beautiful place. There is something to be said in how well two people get along weather they are spouse or co workers in the enjoyment of the work and quality of work done. I have worked with people that I could not work with and people that I could work well with on the same job, just my experience. Relationship with ex is better since divorce we still have feelings and the best part for me is when we do things together its 50 50 for the money now, not 95 5. Again so much more unsaid


                Klause maybe you should do 50 percent of the grass cutting, that is an inside joke.


                  Many posts do not indicate a good "marriage", IMO. Sorry for those of you.
                  50-50 would enrich your relationship.
                  Parents worked that way,and so do we.
                  Every little detail is discussed and decisions made in agreement. Wife fully involved in the farm.
                  Work together in all seasons.
                  Happily married to my mate.


                    i find that women are generally averse to gambling, which is what we farmers do.
                    I have one neighbour whose wife has a big input, she has gradually closed everything down, and now its all rented out. they are probably better off.not trying to be sexist, just observing.


                      In our operation we are a 50-50 couple, she has a equal say in all and I'll admit sometimes it gets ugly but we work through it.I would be done if it my wife never helped me out on the farm, we both have demanding jobs in town and kids involved in lots of sports/school activities. And yes I do clean house and make supper but on the flip side when I am at work she goes out and bales or does what ever else that has to be done within reason. Considering that I asked her to move from the city to the farm 10 years ago and she was okay with it I feel like I won the lottery...because I now get the best of both worlds....and lots of stress....LOL.


                        Something to think about. Wives may be much more involved when the Man isn't farming with any other partners (brother, dad whatever).

                        I think if you brought the wives in on every little decision when farming with a brother things could get ugly quick lol.


                          You are correct. Know of two brothers that worked well together but wives had no say. As it turned out the cousins could not get along so the operation split.
                          Two many cooks scenarios are complicated.


                            I always ask her when making decisions,
                            sometimes she hears me and cares,
                            sometimes she looks blankly and wonders
                            why I ask her. CUZ I got no one else to
                            run things by is why!!

                            Seriously, she is a huge help,
                            considering she is a city girl. We are
                            at that stage though, with four young
                            kids, and she is a stay at home mom, so
                            it is tough juggling. She always says
                            she will help more when the kids grow

                            I try to be 50-50. I do notice, often
                            the guys with the flashiest equipment
                            have no wife and kids. But then their
                            houses look like crap! ha ha


                              I don't have a wife but we've lived
                              together long enough that she can take
                              the whole house and half the farm with
                              none of the debt if she wanted...the
                              farm is my venture and her career is
                              hers, she decides what's for supper
                              every second day plus she helps a few
                              weekends a year but it's still more so
                              the novelty of running a big piece of
                              machinery for her. She gets a free
                              flight anywhere in the world once a year
                              off my Visa points for her efforts.

                              With that said my experience in retail
                              has proven that in most cases the
                              spouse makes more of decisions on what
                              not to do than what to do.



                                If she lets me I do help with the lawn.
                                Ya know what they say... never argue
                                with a woman. they always win!

                                I'm extremely lucky to have her... At
                                seeding she'll spread fertilizer, or
                                haul in seed, or run the drill...
                                whatever we choose whichever day...

                                At harvest she'll run the truck (hey,
                                she'd rather do that than the combine!)
                                - and keep me company swathing...

                                And run for parts. And take care of the
                                house while I"m at work.

                                When we bought what is becoming our home
                                quarter we both contributed to the down
                                payment, and both to the mortgage
                                payments. She's bought things for the
                                farm, I've bought things for her
                                horses... We work together at all times,
                                and each of us knows what page the other
                                is on.


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