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Post CWB

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    Post CWB

    Now that there has been a few months of selling grain either through the CWB or on the open market Im wondering what everyone thinks?
    Our experience with the open market has been great.Grain movement has been the best ever. Receiving full payment has dramatically improved cash flow to the point where it is the first time in my 35 year farming career where we will have all operating short term debt paid off by December. Some could argue that the strong prices have nothing to do with the CWB changes and that is true to some degree. But all things considered the post CWB era is a dream come true on our farm and something I never thought would happen in my lifetime.

    We younguns is pretty smart ain't wes.
    Time will tell ifn the demise of the
    Comedian Wheatie Bored, is a good thing
    er not. Short crop has created current
    good grain prices and rising Comedian
    land prices. Yay for those about to
    bail, cousin they are goin ta put the
    screws ta the next generation of
    Comedian framers, ya see weave turned a
    corner, world now needs food and lots of
    it. A return to a normal year noooooo
    problemo, cousin the skys the limit in
    Comedian framin!!!


      It has been terrible. Sometimes I have to wait for up
      to 10 minutes to get paid in full ;-)


        Agreed!!! The cash flow is nice, and so is being able
        to make decisions for my own farm based on my
        needs. Like being able to put durum instead of
        canola in bags and selling all my durum that's in
        bags by December instead of mid Jan -40, 3 feet of
        snow and bags destroyed by every uncaged animal
        in Saskatchewan.


          And we don't have to put up with cwb buzz words
          like intrinsic value or pooling premiums. Oh boy I
          can't believe so many we're drinking their kool-aid.


            The only one putting the screws to the
            young generation Burp was the CWB!

            Even in this 'short' year they should be
            doing better then simple dollar cost
            averaging, which they so far are failing
            miserably at, if they were so amazing at

            News flash, they're not.


              If the CWB was still sucking up your pooling

              Imagine all the ships waiting in Vancouver port,
              lined up, three or four of them, getting paid full
              CWB demurrage fees while they are being
              refitted and giving sailors time off, saying,
              "Farmers are such goats, but hell, they got lots of
              money in the pooling acounts"

              BC unions loved the CWB's money b/c it got
              shovelled ight out of your bins and into the grain
              handler's pockets. Every year. And the staff loved
              it because they got paid like there was no
              tomorrow; entitled. Directors who set up their
              own export scheme got fed first-hand info and
              favors by their ex-peers, aka spoonfeeding. And
              remember when CWB bloats got to sit on the
              MGX, playing the derivitive game where be put
              $50M of your cash in the anti. Do you miss that
              blind CWB dunce losing a few hundred million of
              your barley money?

              Take time and give thanks. CWB critters are no
              longer circling.and if they are, they won't
              comment or sign their name. Pars


                Agree with parsley.. The more I think about the
                CWB, the history of their well paid employees,
                demmurage, unionized grain handlers, everyone
                soooo much smarter than the goats (farmers).

                The crime of the century.


                  If they were in the ballgame, they
                  would be paying what the grain
                  companies are and the imaginary
                  premiums they talk about could be
                  paid as a final.



                    I am happy to see the CWB work with producer car groups, and provide an option for those who choose to sell through them. It is great the CWB can buy Canola as well. For those who do not trust the private trade.

                    We too have paid off all our short term debt and have no cash advances. What a great experience... for the first time!



                      I agree with your points. Any farmer can order
                      producer loaded rail car through the Canadian
                      Grain Commission. The Canadian Grain Act
                      states that producers have priority on a
                      percentage of rail car allocations. It is not
                      necessary to sell through the cwb to get a rail
                      car in a timely manner. It is good to be free
                      to.choose what we see fit.


                        Has anyone had any experience with producer cars of wheat contracted to grain companies or just to the CWB?


                          Real time example
                          Contracted and sold 150,000 bushels of No.1-13% protien durum @$8.50 per bushel= $1,275,000.00
                          Price and Protien guaranteed Nov-Dec delivery.
                          CWB Harvest Pool
                          No.1-13%protien PRO $9.69 in store Vancouver or St. Lawrence. Deduct average freight and handling using CWB website for Sask. $1.61 per bushel. No price or protien guarantee.$8.06 net x 150,000 bushels= $1,209,00.00 total payments including interm and final. Of course the PRO is not guaranteed and any other payments do not have a scheduled payment date. The difference is $66,000.00
                          Cash flow Difference
                          Open market fully paid upon contract being filled.
                          CWB only initial paid upon delivery
                          CWB initial $7.03 per bushel. Deduct freight and handling $1.61= $5.42 net price
                          Cash flow
                          CWB cash flow total
                          Initial price $7.03 deduct again average freight and handling $1.61= $5.42 per bushel X 150,000 bushels= $813,000.00
                          Cash flow difference= $462,000.00

                          Our farm is going open market.


                            One farm.
                            462K in your pocket if you choose to get it. Easy
                            money That's what one choice provides.

                            And that is why so many socialists/ communists
                            fought so hard to prevent you from being able to
                            make that choice. Now they have to hustle
                            someone else.
                            Prob no CBC/CWB Grey Cup party on you guys
                            at 423 Main this year, I'll bet.

                            Have a beer for me, Westside. Pars


                              West side good description, we have seen the
                              same thing, cash in my pocket, not wait and share
                              and wait some more.


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