Early snows, blast of winter, often
bring on an attack of CABIN FEVER fer
Comedians in general. Hence pasielys
threats to hang all Merikin presidents,
fer doing er not doing stuff that they
should/woulda/coulda done to prevent
trouble fer Americka.
My suggestion is, get a life, threaten
Comedian prime ministers with hanging,
duhh maybe that wood git them workin in
their circle of baboons, rather than
dicktating from behind closed doors in
the PMO's orifice. Heil Harper!
bring on an attack of CABIN FEVER fer
Comedians in general. Hence pasielys
threats to hang all Merikin presidents,
fer doing er not doing stuff that they
should/woulda/coulda done to prevent
trouble fer Americka.
My suggestion is, get a life, threaten
Comedian prime ministers with hanging,
duhh maybe that wood git them workin in
their circle of baboons, rather than
dicktating from behind closed doors in
the PMO's orifice. Heil Harper!