For the vast majority of the Cwb time
operating, it has been 'gov' directed.
Goodale instructed the Cwb to change to
tendering... And forced the monopoly on
us by Order in Council in 1996.
The Commissioners did a better job of
running the Cwb by far than Oberg and
Ritter did.
The buying of the Lakers were the
turning point for Minister Ritz et. El;
Had Oberg not been so power hungry my
bet would be that wheat would Not have
changed in 2012.
Willy I am Very greatful as are our
family... That 2012 was freedom year for
The Cwb Single Desk was a socialist
experiment, that caused overbuilding of
the livestock industry.
Sadly the Pools didn't respect property
rights... And paid the price for this.
Oberg did exactly the same to the Cwb as
he did to the Awp.
As I Predicted SADLY.
Blaming Minister Ritz is a cop out.
You can't convince me that an elected
Cwb bod would make 1 iota of difference
now in the dual market.
The grain buyers that liked the Cwb the
best, got the biggest discounts before.
The single desk was built on the broken
dreams of so many family farms... False
hopes that never paid in cash, just
future iou's that were soon forgotten.
We will really appreciate remembrance
day this year.
The first year the 2wwar is over for our
farm since it started in 1939.
For the vast majority of the Cwb time
operating, it has been 'gov' directed.
Goodale instructed the Cwb to change to
tendering... And forced the monopoly on
us by Order in Council in 1996.
The Commissioners did a better job of
running the Cwb by far than Oberg and
Ritter did.
The buying of the Lakers were the
turning point for Minister Ritz et. El;
Had Oberg not been so power hungry my
bet would be that wheat would Not have
changed in 2012.
Willy I am Very greatful as are our
family... That 2012 was freedom year for
The Cwb Single Desk was a socialist
experiment, that caused overbuilding of
the livestock industry.
Sadly the Pools didn't respect property
rights... And paid the price for this.
Oberg did exactly the same to the Cwb as
he did to the Awp.
As I Predicted SADLY.
Blaming Minister Ritz is a cop out.
You can't convince me that an elected
Cwb bod would make 1 iota of difference
now in the dual market.
The grain buyers that liked the Cwb the
best, got the biggest discounts before.
The single desk was built on the broken
dreams of so many family farms... False
hopes that never paid in cash, just
future iou's that were soon forgotten.
We will really appreciate remembrance
day this year.
The first year the 2wwar is over for our
farm since it started in 1939.