Do you know if those monthly prices are net of
futures and basis? I tried to find that info on the
canola council website but the closest I can find is
a yearly avg price. I know that historically basis is
usually the best May-August and that goes a long
way to explaining why on avg best price is
achieved then. If your number of may-aug being
best price 64% of the time happened to be based
on futures alone then the prices would look even
better after adjusting for basis. A may-aug canola
marketing plan would be incredibly simple and
Of course the market inverse could be telling us to
do something different this year!
Do you know if those monthly prices are net of
futures and basis? I tried to find that info on the
canola council website but the closest I can find is
a yearly avg price. I know that historically basis is
usually the best May-August and that goes a long
way to explaining why on avg best price is
achieved then. If your number of may-aug being
best price 64% of the time happened to be based
on futures alone then the prices would look even
better after adjusting for basis. A may-aug canola
marketing plan would be incredibly simple and
Of course the market inverse could be telling us to
do something different this year!