Bill O'Reilly made a good observation about the reasons for Romney's loss last night on Fox News. Basically, when Romney won the first debate, a deliberate decision was made to take zero risks after that and to make no controversial statements on any subject, the objective being to coast to victory on sheer momentum. Then along came Hurricane Sandy which took Romney out of the public eye for several days while putting Obama front and center. That was enough to slow Romney's momentum and it cost him the election. But to blame the loss on the Tea Party is absurd. Romney spent much of the campaign distancing himself from the Tea Party so thoroughly that by the third debate he was agreeing with Obama so much you'd swear they were twins.
If Americans reject the Tea Party so much, how did they ever make so many gains in the 2010 mid-term elections?
Far too many Americans are more interested in preserving their unsustainable entitlements than they are in preserving their liberty. Same goes for Canadians. We've morphed into a consumption-crazy family that refuses to consider the possibility that we are headed for bankruptcy.
If Americans reject the Tea Party so much, how did they ever make so many gains in the 2010 mid-term elections?
Far too many Americans are more interested in preserving their unsustainable entitlements than they are in preserving their liberty. Same goes for Canadians. We've morphed into a consumption-crazy family that refuses to consider the possibility that we are headed for bankruptcy.