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What just happened to the US in the election???

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    So what happened to that nation......that "good nation"? Is America still a "good nation", a "great nation"?
    Is it a nation the "rich" should be donating to?
    You might think these so called "rich people" are pathetic for wanting to keep their property, but the fact is our whole system is built on the right to earn money, keep that money, and spend it how ever you want to? It's called property rights.
    Of course governments need funds to provide essential services.....but how much is too much? Is 50% too much? or 60%? or 70%?
    Here's a good example: I have a friend who is a specialized drilling consultant. He gets the tough jobs all over the world. He makes $3800/day. He refuses to work more than half a year because the government takes too much if he works the extra days! Because he is a private contractor he doesn't have to work unless he chooses to.
    He intends to retire and leave Canada in the near future for a tax shelter country (Panama). He is 45.


      It always seems to me that democracy and
      capitalism is an impossible combination,
      as this is the only possible outcome
      once half the population is dependant on
      the government, there is no turning

      This election looks like the perfect
      opportunity for Canada. Revise our tax
      code, bloated social programs and
      backwards immigration system to attract
      all of the economic refugees who will be
      leaving the US and Europe to escape the
      taxes and economic disincentives. What
      motivation does an entrepreneur have in
      Europe right now, and US going forward?
      We could attract the entrepreneurs,
      educated, ambitious and hard working, in
      exchange, the freeloaders here might
      just decide the free lunch is over, and
      emigrate to the socialist utopia the
      ambitious are fleeing from.
      Apparently the exodus has already
      started from France. Where else in the
      world could one go to start a business
      or a career? Singapore maybe, not many
      bright spots left in the west.


        OK Tom et al

        Just what separates the wealthy from the poor? Whatever you think the factors are; one could theoreticaly (and also in practice) bring everyone down to the same relatively poor level by applying taxes, confiscation; restrictions etc. and pressure to that end.
        Now maybe a near 100 % tax on income, confiscation of tangible goods and property etc. could accomplish that goal; but would any democratic leader dream of doing all those drastic measures at one time to force their agenda. A few per centage points just won't hurt that much.

        And Tom I would predict that it would turn out like someone related to me several years ago.

        It would be no time until those same once wealthy; but now ruined persons had earned it all back.

        Besides, shouldn't we all be concentrating on Eternity and worrying much less about our short time on this earth and how little baggage we are permitted to leave with.
        Its funny how the most important factors aren't actually often considered in coffee shop gossip. Also extremely funny how we protect our subsidies, power, good fortune and entitlements; yet would deny similar handouts to those less "well off".


          How far does any government have the right to take your property?
          Every man will decide the answer to that question for himself?
          We might decide "Okay I'm good with 30%, but decide No.... 40% is too much?"

          You might decide the level of taxation is to high for you to continue to live in that society? You might choose to leave and go to another place where the level is better?
          Is that your right to do so?
          Didn't you earn your money? Shouldn't you be able to decide if you want to accept how much the government takes from you?
          Should the government be able to say you can't leave, or you must give up your money if you want to leave? Didn't they do those sort of things in Nazi Germany and the communist Soviet Union?


            What happened there was what happened in Alberta the last provincial election, they choose the easiest way for themselves and left the hard way to their children .


              We keep coming back to the same old fact that "WE GET THE GOVERNMENT THAT WE DESERVE"

              Just how many people have ever once looked at both (all) sides of an argument BEFORE making a decision or casting a ballot?


                Might look at them but will always vote for what's good for me. I'm not real big on the "for the public good" type of thing......usually means some dickhead wants my money!


                  TOM4CWB: The US election went exactly as I predicted. Why would anyone want those two dickheads heading the nominations for the Repug Party? Anti-abortion, right-wing turkeys who defeated themselves by their own inane spoutings.

                  Obama didn't do a lot but considering the mess that he inherited, it must have been quite a challenge to get things back on course. Maybe he can do better this round.



                    Joy for you; your man got in.

                    Now perhaps you can go south (US) for the winter...

                    "there is nothing better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and enjoy himself."...Ecclesiastes 8:15

                    SO Have 'fun in the sun'!



                      Some say that when that real "dick",Democrat Bill Clinton was in charge, was the most prosperous time in USA history.


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