Just the beginning...
You know who's water it is once it falls onto the our land/crops??? GOA.
Attended at the Agri-Environmental Partnership of Alberta (AEPA) 'Forum' meeting on Thursday Nov 8 in Red Deer.
One of the 'Environmental' areas of interest I have been working on the 'Environmental Goods and Services, 'Wetland Policy'.
Inside the Nov 2012 brochure it says in part this:
'Relevance to Agriculture'...
"About two-thirds of the wetlands in the White or settled area of Alberta are estimated to have been lost,...
The re-establishment of a wetland as a functioning natural ecosystem whose characteristics are as close as possible to pre-disturbance conditions.
As producers are significant landowners, wetland protection, conservation and restoration opportunities are often avaliable on agricultural land. ...By partnering with restoration agencies, municipalities and the Government of Alberta, the agriculture industry can play a key role in ensuring wetlands are available to offer social, economic and environmental benefits, while ensuring this is not the agriculture industry's cost to bear alone."
We were told (by AB Gov)... the 3 to 1 policy is here now. For every acre of wetland lost, it must be replaced by 3 acres. Water took half the day. Andy Ridge the new super dept, Environment Sustainable Resourse Dev. (AESRD) was a speaker.
Half the day was talking about Land Use Framework regulations that will put in place new rules for 'development' (ie. Transferable Development Credits) to "create" a 'Market Based' trading system to create a new controling land development scheme here in Alberta.
These new regulations will create 'Voluntary' 'Market Driven' systems of management that no one can object to as being unfair to private property holders nor or 'UnDemocratic' because the GOA told us it is coming.
If you put a shovel in the ground, move some dirt... and water flows into the hole you made... you have diverted the GOA's water. Oh... didn't you know...Water after it has fallen on the ground... belongs to the Government of Alberta.
I can't help but think Water IS where this is headed... because it leads to unlimited control of private lands.
Standards based on AB CCME or US EPA guidelines. (Scott Milligan and Brian Hills GOA)
We all know the term "Million Dollar Rain"... well guess what... the next time you get a nice 2 inch soaker... on a beautiful crop... (to be one of the 'Market Based projects?' Glen Sallard ADM AESRD was hinting at)???
In the end... the AB Gov controls what happens UNDER and Over top our private land... Now new moves on Water...
Are WE just the pesky farmers and private land holders that get in the way... and if we didn't vote PC... we don't matter cause we are only 3 percent of the population anyway!
Just the beginning...
You know who's water it is once it falls onto the our land/crops??? GOA.
Attended at the Agri-Environmental Partnership of Alberta (AEPA) 'Forum' meeting on Thursday Nov 8 in Red Deer.
One of the 'Environmental' areas of interest I have been working on the 'Environmental Goods and Services, 'Wetland Policy'.
Inside the Nov 2012 brochure it says in part this:
'Relevance to Agriculture'...
"About two-thirds of the wetlands in the White or settled area of Alberta are estimated to have been lost,...
The re-establishment of a wetland as a functioning natural ecosystem whose characteristics are as close as possible to pre-disturbance conditions.
As producers are significant landowners, wetland protection, conservation and restoration opportunities are often avaliable on agricultural land. ...By partnering with restoration agencies, municipalities and the Government of Alberta, the agriculture industry can play a key role in ensuring wetlands are available to offer social, economic and environmental benefits, while ensuring this is not the agriculture industry's cost to bear alone."
We were told (by AB Gov)... the 3 to 1 policy is here now. For every acre of wetland lost, it must be replaced by 3 acres. Water took half the day. Andy Ridge the new super dept, Environment Sustainable Resourse Dev. (AESRD) was a speaker.
Half the day was talking about Land Use Framework regulations that will put in place new rules for 'development' (ie. Transferable Development Credits) to "create" a 'Market Based' trading system to create a new controling land development scheme here in Alberta.
These new regulations will create 'Voluntary' 'Market Driven' systems of management that no one can object to as being unfair to private property holders nor or 'UnDemocratic' because the GOA told us it is coming.
If you put a shovel in the ground, move some dirt... and water flows into the hole you made... you have diverted the GOA's water. Oh... didn't you know...Water after it has fallen on the ground... belongs to the Government of Alberta.
I can't help but think Water IS where this is headed... because it leads to unlimited control of private lands.
Standards based on AB CCME or US EPA guidelines. (Scott Milligan and Brian Hills GOA)
We all know the term "Million Dollar Rain"... well guess what... the next time you get a nice 2 inch soaker... on a beautiful crop... (to be one of the 'Market Based projects?' Glen Sallard ADM AESRD was hinting at)???
In the end... the AB Gov controls what happens UNDER and Over top our private land... Now new moves on Water...
Are WE just the pesky farmers and private land holders that get in the way... and if we didn't vote PC... we don't matter cause we are only 3 percent of the population anyway!