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A Question about Co-ops

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    A Question about Co-ops

    Cooperatives are mentioned on here quite
    often sometimes negatively sometimes

    so whats the background you guys get all
    your fert chems livestock products fuel
    from local co-op?

    You all shareholders in your local co-
    op,are there more than one in each town?

    Are they prarie wide ie same co-op in
    many towns? They also buy grain?

    Your each shareholder and get a small
    dividend each year or the more you spend
    the more you get back. Are all
    shareholders equal or bigger farmers
    have more shares

    If co-ops go belly up are farmers

    In australia functional co-ops for
    inputs are rare mostly its just
    resellers each town has 2 or 3 resellers
    up to 5 or 6 depending on size of town
    some independant some part of a
    nationwide chain?

    Internet buying of farm inputs is
    becoming huge a faceless transaction
    much to the anger of local resellers

    cheers happy harvesting woops northern
    hemishere you guys are done!


    Coops are an option and regular part of our supply chain. They help keep others in line price wise.

    Competition is great and Federated Coop provides a baseline for all our farm supplies. UFA at times works as well... not as well as before; but working back up to become competitive again.


      Mallee, most Co-ops here have an equal
      membership cost, usually one dollar. They are not
      called shareholders but rather members. Returns
      are based on patronage so that the large guy who
      has large purchases will receive a larger patronage
      dividend than a small guy who purchases less.
      Through patronage, you also grow an equity
      position whereby you provide investment for the
      co-op which is deducted from your patronage. Over
      time that builds up and is redeemable either when
      you retire or after a set period when you quit doing
      business with the co-op. Co-ops were a major
      factor in settling Western Canada and were also a
      major political factor like the UFA which formed the
      Government of Alberta from 1921 to 1935. About
      25 years ago, farmer owned grain co-ops controlled
      over 60% of handling and agro sales here. Today
      co-ops provide products and services not only to
      rural folks, but urban people as well. In Alberta,
      much of the rural population gets their electricity
      and heating fuel from locally owned co-ops.
      Financial and banking services are often provided
      by co-ops called Credit Unions and their is a large
      insurance company that provides coverage through
      co-operative ownership. A little known fact is that
      for the past decade or so, co-operatives have been
      the fastest and largest growing form of enterprise
      in the world. This also happens to be the
      International Year of Co-operatives. Co-ops are
      nothing sinister nor socialist, just a different slant
      on investors wanting to earn a profit through
      investment vs investors needing a product or
      service and putting skin in the game.


        In Comedia, co-ops were formed and
        framers bought shares and put in sweat
        equity to get things up and running,
        utilities etc. Once the business got on
        its feet and begins to actually make a
        difference and a profit, gobermonts
        enter the picture and encourage the sale
        of the co-op, utility or whatever ta the
        private sector. Then prices go up, up,
        up, and services go down, down, down.
        Butt I guess thats another example of
        why we and others worldwide view us as
        Comedians, friendly, and polite suckers
        ripe fer plucking cousin wes likes level
        playing fields!!!!!!


          A gal I know that manages a BMO deals at the local CREDIT UNION. LOL


            do any co-ops make there own chemicals?
            my state is big with co-ops but west
            australia and nsw has a few and i beleive
            in nsw co-ops are producing mostly glypho
            and some mcpa and group b chemicals for
            there mebers all funded by grower equity
            i presume


              Good question, in Comedia we don't make
              much, we is known ta be drawers a water
              and hewers a wood, thats about it.
              Monsanto makes chemicals fer Comedia!



                Federated Co-op does make generic common herbicides for instance. They own a large refinery (Regina SK) and part of fert manufacturing system.


                21. How many co-ops are there in the Co-operative Retailing System (CRS)?
                There are approximately 235 locally owned retail co-ops across Western Canada.
                These co-ops operate in more than 500 communities serving approximately 1.5 million active members.
                Total retail sales are in excess of $8.2 billion.

                https://www.coopconnection.ca/wps/portal/fclretail/FCLInternet/CoopStores/CoopFAQ/!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3ijkMBQIzdTEwN_H1cTA0 9_x-CQYFN3w2BHM_1wkA68KgqysxUBr-1jbg!!/


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