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Who wins and who looses with these land deals!

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    Who wins and who looses with these land deals!

    Well the seller in most cases wins lotto 649! Most
    weren't farmers or weren't very good at it and
    finally get a pay day.
    Real estate for taking 5 % for doing jack shit and
    in some cases not protecting the farmer who is
    their client but protecting the buyer!
    Now the losers!
    Community if its a land company they do nothing
    for the local community!
    Renters are over paying to work some one else's
    land! Working for less to say their a big farmer!
    Finally young starting farmers who are getting in
    deep. $300,000 plus a quarter your in deep.
    Maybe history should be taught in the schools
    because most have been here before and
    unfortunately we will be here again!

    Who wins and who looses with these land deals!
    SASKFARMER3 posted Nov 20, 2012 8:21
    .....Maybe history should be taught in the schools
    because most have been here before and
    unfortunately we will be here again!

    C'mon sasfrmr

    You're hoping that history repeats itself soon; but its kind of evident that you don't mean that you will consider it to be an unfortunate reoccurrence.

    Be consistant; at least most of the time.


      Hey I have no problem when every one is going
      one way I slowly go the other then when they turn
      I head a full speed their way!
      History show you lots yet its not taught. Tell some
      one that their family wanted us to farm their land
      and work for us a few years back are now
      competitors. Real estate agents in the early 80 s
      who were bending over backwards to get people
      to buy, drought, and oh yea the world is short of
      food you'll all be rich!
      So yes either way I should win! Sell or wait! That's
      farming in Canada.


        You really should keep mentioning China in all this somehow, the last thing we need is another language we cannot speak.


          All i want to do is point out to farmers
          thinking about selling that their are
          foreign farmers from South africa,
          europe etc that want to buy in canada
          and come farm here. Getting ones green
          card by buying land is wrong IMHO!
          I find nothing wrong with people who
          want to move to canada to be a canadian.
          We all came from some where else but
          when a foreign government is buying
          thats a problem!


            Speaking of history repeating itself, did anyone watch "The Dust Bowl" on PBS the last two nights? We are all fools if we think that will not happen again. Maybe not to the extent that it did in the 1930's, but economic meltdown and poor crops? Seems loike only a matter of time.


              Grr that was a great program. The one guy
              talked about a school where their were 100
              people in a area and 25 went to school a
              few years into the drought and hardship
              and it was 25 and 3 in school.
              But it did end and those who stayed and
              survived did well.
              History boys History.


                What foreign government is buying land? You just make up what you don't know.


                  The foreign government in question would
                  be the communist party of China just in
                  case that wasn't obvious enough. They
                  are buying up land all over the world
                  notably in Australia. In Canada they
                  have to use 'operatives' which are
                  wealthy immigrants with dual
                  citizenship. You do not have wealthy
                  immigrants from China without the
                  blessing of the Communist party. As for
                  who losses in this process: younger
                  Canadian farmers that need to buy land
                  and rural sask as in 20 yrs the land
                  will be organized into 100000 acres
                  units farmed by foreign nationals. Just
                  in case any of this is not obvious.


                    Who care who buys the land, long as the
                    cheque don't bounce and the deal doesn't
                    fall through. Comedia is open fer
                    business, some win some lose, who gives a
                    rats ass, this is capitalism at its best,
                    being bought out by commies....


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