So 7 individuals are given/take control and use their gut instincts and power to make decisions.
The issue is boiled down to "the process" used; accountability and what fraction oof zillions of dollars; and hours of time and effort is used to reach the concensus; or whether 7 guys put their gut opinions forward and that issue is seen to have been settled "democratically".
If anywhere true that "half" the board ran as a slate last year; and this year that slate endorsed(and for all I know maybe even selected the remainder) for this years election; then even the least cynical should admit that a board with one member would be sufficient.
And then the question is if that is how the "process" is meant to work.
Oh my God.
The issue is boiled down to "the process" used; accountability and what fraction oof zillions of dollars; and hours of time and effort is used to reach the concensus; or whether 7 guys put their gut opinions forward and that issue is seen to have been settled "democratically".
If anywhere true that "half" the board ran as a slate last year; and this year that slate endorsed(and for all I know maybe even selected the remainder) for this years election; then even the least cynical should admit that a board with one member would be sufficient.
And then the question is if that is how the "process" is meant to work.
Oh my God.