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Was it bound to happen?

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    One of the major problems here is how much
    this goofball and his lenders have raised
    the cost of production for his more
    sensible neighbors? Land rents and input
    costs higher that they otherwise would be.
    I hope to see this operation and many
    others on the auction block in the near
    future. I was hoping to see Wigmore on the
    block as well but so far they have avoided
    that by finding more gullible investors.


      ajl, is Wigmore in deep? I only ask cuz I
      have some relatives who think wigmore is
      "the ONE".


        When you think you know it all, you find you know nothing.


          this fiasco happened because banks and investors are making next to nothing on cash interest.. wd-9 everytime you make a deposit in savings you are letting your banker lend on your behalf to make money on your money. Banks and investors right now think that ag is a cash cow and they will jump at the chance to lend to anyone that looks like they can pull it off. This will continue as long as interest rates remain low and we enable them, so don't sit there and whine about it when it happens, instead get involved in your local credit union boards etc and watch where your money is getting lent to.


            <a href="http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/time-to-lead/new-business-model-grows-family-farm-into-global-player/article1315212/?service=mobile">
            news article</a>


              Blame the banks? lol How about the dude
              who faked it all? Probably lied to the
              banks. Actually, he MUST have lied.


                Blame the banks? lol How about the dude
                who faked it all? Probably lied to the
                banks. Actually, he MUST have lied.


                  Blame the banks? lol How about the dude
                  who faked it all? Probably lied to the
                  banks. Actually, he MUST have lied.


                    Blame the banks? lol How about the dude
                    who faked it all? Probably lied to the
                    banks. Actually, he MUST have lied.


                      Kodiak. Looks like it is only a matter of
                      time for Wigmore farms. lol


                        yah blame the banks, everyone sits there with their thumbs up their keester until something like this happens and wonders why? if the guy was truly hood winking everyone the banks would have found out when doing their due diligence.


                          wd9 i agree with everything you say.
                          scotland has its share of these twerps who drive rents up to stupid levels, then disappear, but leave us with the high rents for ever.
                          they are all getting found out in 2012 though.


                            The creditors are currently looking for
                            tractors that apparently do not exist.
                            Sure the banks should have dug deeper, but
                            the man doing the borrowing did this


                              The strange thing is, these people don't lose
                              much sleep over this. They will go bankrupt, and
                              within a couple of years they will be exhibiting
                              their "greatness" on someone else.
                              I like successful people that build successful
                              enterprises. This farm hoodwinked everyone
                              around them that is unfortunate. Another
                              observation is, that, mrs. stamp is just as guilty
                              Living large on other people's money. Then the
                              children grow up living large not knowing how to
                              earn or create value. All they know is they are
                              living rich. They don't know they are broke ass


                                do you really think this fella was bothered much by the failure? he started with nothing, took a chance and left with nothing hopefully, again the onus is on the lenders that are spilling out money on creditors behalf.


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