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How Most of these land Deals Work!

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    How Most of these land Deals Work!

    Pull titles, search Farm Land Notices and no what is happening.
    Here is a guide for Dummies on how to buy land in Saskatchewan!

    One start a companie that has a nice name and Manages crops,
    Write a mission statement stating how your a enviromentaly friendly farmer friendly community organization!
    Find investor with some cash!
    Now go out get a real go getter realestate agent to find farms.
    Once the agent finds a farm then get the farmer gung ho about selling by promising the world. Go to the odd neigbour of the guy to make it look good.
    Pay the minimum down payment that you can squeeze. $5000. or $10,000. Down. WIth a open agreement to come up with the money in 6 months.
    Once the deal is signed go to town and find Canadian Immigrants who have been in CAnada for a while and own Property.
    Have a presentation with lots of CHarts and graphs and pictures showing what a nice farm looks like. Take pictures of neighboring farms and flat land.
    Once have people who are willing to invest. Get them to take their equity in their property in city for the down payment on the Saskatchewan property.
    Once they have this cash sell them the property in SAskatchewan at a mark up from what you promise the farmer.
    Take $100,000 or more profit per quarter if you can get it.
    Now have the investor go to a Bank in Vancouver (Dont go to a saskatchewan BAnk or FArm Credit as they will probably turn down the application)
    Tell the Bank in City that your purchasing farm land and will give the down payment in cash, 20% down and finance the rest. THis may take a while as most have changed their lending practice on land. MAybe will need extra time so go back and promise the original farmer $5000 again.
    Again assure the new owner all the way along that he will easily get $100 or more an acre rent from the neighbours in the area they all want land and all are going to produce crops for the world.
    FInally on the same day as you pay the original farmer for the property have the new owners titles ready to go the same day. So one leaves one arrives and then you leave with your cash.
    Its so simple!
    Repeat again and again.

    Saskatchewan farmland is a hot investment--but there are ongoing rumors about where all of the money is coming from.

    There are no purchase restrictions for Canadian citizens. However, non-residents can only own a maximum on ten acres.

    Provincial Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart spoke about the subject at the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) convention last Friday.

    "I don't know if any of this money is really coming from off-shore. There are lots of rumors about it. We know that there are names appearing on the titles that wouldn't look like traditional Saskatchewan names. But as far as we know, all of those people are Canadians."

    He says a special investigator is being hired who will have experience in following ''the flow of money."

    "If it is found that sales have been made to someone from off-shore, the consequences will be pretty severe. Of course, the deal will be null and void and there would be some penalties as well."

    Farm Credit Canada reports the average value of Saskatchewan farmland jumped 9.1 per cent during the first six months of this year. Higher crop prices and investor interest are the reasons behind the ongoing rising land values.

    THis guy will find nothing wrong with the system I have shown in Land buying guide for dummies!

    Canadians buying Candian land.


      I certainly wouldn't want the viability of my farm to rest on rented acres or buying land in this environment. Everyone can see this is unsustainable but I am afraid the problem won’t be solved overnight. Expansion prospects for the "Average Farm" look bleak for a few years.


        I look at it is the Begining of the next expansion up of our farm!
        Waiting is the most difficult thing in the world but it will be worth it.
        If I am not around to witness this, no one knows their fate. But the next generation will definetly have all the land they want.
        Three years away at the most.


          If interest rates stay very low , land values/ rents
          will stay high. But I do agree there will be a
          correction within three years. Anything in history
          that has inflated this far this fast has always -
          always corrected at some point. Nothing rises that
          far and fast then stays level at the highest point -
          nothing ever has .


            I Agree, except it might take 5 yrs, we have entered into hunker down and debt pay down mode, and if there is a softening hopefully we will be in a position to capitalize. If not oh well the alternative doesn’t excite me.


              Our thoughts exactly.


                For those waiting to get out, time is now or within 3 years. Several new auctions already from our area.
                Remember those that were sorry they did not cash out in early 80's.


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