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Why Obama doesn't care about the fiscal cliff

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    Why Obama doesn't care about the fiscal cliff

    Its pretty clear that Obama wants to reverse the
    Bush tax cuts only on those who earn more than
    250k. It's also known that if they do go over the
    fiscal cliff the bush tax cuts will expire for
    If he lets the tax cuts expire then all he has to do
    is introduce a "tax cut" in the new year for those
    who make under 250k and he will get what he
    wants, stick it to the republicans,cut military
    spending, and lok like a hero because of a new
    tax cut. The way I see it he has really no incentive
    to compromise with the republicans. As much as I
    hate to say it this guy will be able to do what he
    wants. I'm suprised nobody has spent a lot of time
    pointing out the fact that the tax revenue gained
    on raising rates on those earning over 250k will
    pay for about 4% of the deficit. Not a credible
    solution by any means.

    Obama isn't interested in a credible solution to America's fiscal mess. He's just there to buy votes and any fiscal cleanup would deny him that ability. However, the current crop of Republicans, with some minor exceptions, don't really care either. If mainstream Republicans cared about these issues, they would never have nominated Romney. In the debates Romney did everything he could to make himself indistinguishable from Obama.

    Bottom line is that way too many people want something for nothing out of this economy, at the expense of everyone else. You don't have to be an economics major to see that the folly in that.


      They could always close offshore accounts, that would balance the books.


        offshore accounts won't be closed anytime soon as more democrats, and more democrat donors(Wall Street) have more money offshore than republicans!
        DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Leader Harry Reid just to name a few, besides Obama needs a place to put all the money he's skimming too.
        Do you know that up until 3 or 4 months ago, it WASN"T ILLEGAL for members of the House or Senate, to use confidential information to aid in the buying or selling of stocks. For anybody else it would've been considered insider trading.


          Ifn somebody's gonna get it stuck toem,
          the boys/girls over 250K should be the
          ones who spread. After all they kin
          afford it eh?


            I think he's there for the lifetime pension after 8 years! Sweet!


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