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    I have been rummaging around for organic feed
    prices. So far I sold feed barley for $11.00/bushel
    fob Loreburn,SK. It sounded like feed wheat is
    running around $13.00 but it is softening like the
    wheat futures. I did not inquire about milling
    wheat prices. I have contracted milling oats for
    $6.00/bushel. Viterra was phoning around looking
    for more organic milling oats. I'm sold full
    production so, for what its worth, I suggested they
    may have to pay more than 6.00.
    I am trying to sign up new crop feed wheat, feed
    barley and milling oats but so far the buyers are
    speaking in cautious tones. They do not want to
    live through another 2008/2009 correction.
    I have delivered most of feed barley,half the
    milling oats and hemp. I have deferred these
    sales into January and bought accounts
    receivable insurance on the value of these
    transactions. Just making sure everything works

    WOW, good for you! Keep on framing like
    this and you'll win the Greatest Framer On
    the Planet Award. Of course its just like
    the Order of Comedia, useless, butt hey
    its a Comedian award, what da ya expect?


      Glad to hear about the feed wheat price
      being up, should drive price of milling
      wheat up (i hope). I am hearing rumours
      that no premium for protein this year as
      there is lots of high protein milling
      wheat around.... we will see. I recently
      booked all my oats at 6 as well for
      jan/feb, fob farm. Do you have a contact
      at viterra? Mine went through grain

      Seems like some 2013 contracts coming
      out of the works these days, interested
      to see about barley next year as I
      expect it will be over 10. Any plans for
      hemp next year? I am really interested
      in trying hemp but kinda scared off
      after talking to a few guys in my area..


        I am curious about accounts receivable
        insurance... who is that through? what are
        the premiums like?


          I do not grow organic canola, so I planted oats on plowdown. Usually the oats overdose on nitrogen and by harvest time half of them are lodged, sometimes totally flat. I wanted to plant something of decent value on plowdown. Hemp fits in this spot. This year, I grew a had an average yeild it paid off fairly well. I regard it as a poor mans canola. Talk with Manitoba Harvest Reps, Will Wellborn is one. 1 204 228 4357. The other primary buyer that I am aware of is Hemp Oil Canada in St. Agathe, Manitoba. I do not know what to do about the stubble yet. This could be trouble next spring.
          I sold the oats to Grain Millers as well. They have been exceptional to do business with. The Viterra call was a cold call from a guy named Galbraith in Portage la Prairie, MB.
          About the accounts receivable insurances, scroll down to September 20 posts. The weblinks are there. Call them for the most accurate details.


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