Tipsy i agree that it's probably not the best course
of action but even the most thought out set of
bylaws or constitution s could never have planned
for this gong show . I would imagine that after this
they will be having more than a few meetings on
board governess . That said I feel for those left at
the table and say thanks that I'm not there . It's a
no win situation for them . This maybe the time to
start calling for a opt out or refundable check off
when it started I don't think they ever thought
acres would get to we're they are now . If there's
to much money laying around guys can get real
creative on how to piss it away .
of action but even the most thought out set of
bylaws or constitution s could never have planned
for this gong show . I would imagine that after this
they will be having more than a few meetings on
board governess . That said I feel for those left at
the table and say thanks that I'm not there . It's a
no win situation for them . This maybe the time to
start calling for a opt out or refundable check off
when it started I don't think they ever thought
acres would get to we're they are now . If there's
to much money laying around guys can get real
creative on how to piss it away .