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Thoughts on Keystone Pipeline?

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    Thoughts on Keystone Pipeline?

    Just reading Gasbuddy blog and one of the
    questions asked was for opinions on the pipeline.
    Q response was, "Canada should build its own
    refinery" instead of shipping raw crude. Good

    Now while there hasn't probably been a refinery built in North America in the last 40 years; its a lot like planting trees.
    Should have been done years ago; but realistically now is the second best time.

    And the location as far as Canada goes; should be within Canada. Those oil trains are just hauling away wealth that could be multiplied before shipping out to the world.

    The ideal spot in the heart of the oil reserves; with access to the US market; US rail line service (and Canadian potential railbeds) was pretty easy to pick out. Other than speculators and speculation we have not a shred of progress; nor control.

    And the regulatory municipal approval has to be done by next April.

    Sorry by I'm starting to break up with sadness..............

    Where is the vision and the planning?


      Isn't Northwest Upgrading building a plant near fort sask? (partner with CNRL I believe it was on talk radio a month or two ago)


        Got it

        I don't know how to post proper links so you'll have to cut and paste. The project starts at 50,000 and peaks at 150,000 barrels per day. Not all but its a start at least.



          To say there hasn't been a refinery built in 40 years in
          Canada ... Is simply WRONG. I could go on an on and
          on about the 100's of BILLIONS spent on new
          refineries. Heavy Oil Upgraders are Refineries. They
          make at the very least Jet and Diesel Fuel.

          Part of what makes me upset about the AB Gov... is
          that they are spending 10's of billions of AB taxpayers
          money... to build refineries by 2020. Billions on Co2 of
          Canadian and AB taxpayers $$$... IS all about NEW
          refineries in Alberta... then dumping that Co2 back
          under the ground into oil formations to pump up
          previously unrecoverable oil.

          Shell Scotford FtSask... Imperial Oil Strathcona....
          Federated Co-op Regina... Petrocan Strathcona...
          Suncor Ft Mac... Plus a half dozen others Upgrading in
          FtMac... Husky Lloyd Ethanol AND Upgrader...
          Parkland at Boden is upgrading Natural Gas Fluids...
          Joffrie/Red Deer PETRO CHEMICAL facility...

          At times the price of oil in Ab and Sk is up to $25 per
          barrel UNDER International prices... simply because
          Keystone and the Pr. Rupert Pipe Lines Arn't in place...
          which costs taxpayers Billions in lost taxes and IS
          revenue transferred to the general public... in essence
          a simple subsidy.


            A. ‘Massive’ $2.66B expansion project complete at
            Regina refinery
            By Bruce Johnstone, The Leader-Post October 26,
            Read more:
            http://www.leaderpost.com/Massive expansion proj
            ect complete Regina refinery/7455271/story.html#i
            B. Husky energy ... Corporate

            1 Production in 2013 is expected to be in the range
            of 310,000 to 330,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
            (boe/day), compared to estimated average annual
            production of 301,000 boe/day for 2012.
            The Company is on track to meet its five-year
            compound annual production growth goal of 3-5
            percent as set in 2010. A new target has been set for
            the plan period 2012-2017 at an increased compound
            annual growth rate of 5-8 percent.
            2 The $4.8 billion capital expenditure program for
            2013 is comparable with the $4.7 billion program in
            2012. Approximately 50 percent of Upstream spending
            will be directed towards the Company's growth pillars.

            3 The Rush Lake heavy oil thermal project has been
            sanctioned and the production capacity has been
            increased to 10,000 barrels per day (bbls/day)
            compared to the originally planned 8,000 bbls/day.
            First oil is expected in 2015.
            4 Production from heavy oil thermal is expected to
            achieve 55,000 bbls/day by 2017 with an additional
            four thermal projects planned to come on stream,
            including the 3,500 bbls/day Sandall project, now
            under construction.
            5 Two new heavy oil thermal projects, the 8,000
            bbls/day Pikes Peak South and 3,000 bbls/day
            Paradise Hill, came online ahead of schedule in 2012
            and are currently achieving production levels
            approximately 40 percent higher than their design

            "CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - May 17, 2012) -

            Husky Energy (TSX:HSE) today made three significant
            announcements in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan, which
            build on its 65 years of successful operations in the

            Grand Opening of Husky Place

            The new building is home to the Company's heavy oil
            operations and will act as a regional data centre for
            Husky's facilities in the Lloydminster area
            The 105,000 sq.-ft. three-storey office building is
            designed to accommodate 375 staff
            Building features include solar panels and a high-
            efficiency mechanical system to reduce energy
            "Husky Place is a symbol of the long-term investments
            we've made in this region and reflects continued
            execution of our business plan," says CEO Asim Ghosh.
            "The transformation of our foundation business toward
            more long-life thermal projects and horizontal drilling
            is on track, reinforcing our position as a leading
            Canadian heavy oil producer."

            $1.1 million Donation to the Lakeland College
            Centennial Campaign

            The Lakeland College donation will be directed
            towards developing power engineering training and
            certification programs and upgrades to the Oil and Gas
            Technology Centre and Power Engineering Lab
            "We've been a strong supporter of Lakeland College for
            many years," says Ghosh. "This collaboration allows us
            to improve educational opportunities in this
            community as well as invest in the next generation of
            industry employees."

            CO2 Capture and Liquefaction Project

            To further support and extend its heavy oil production
            in the area, Husky has started capturing carbon
            dioxide from its Lloydminster Ethanol Plant for use in
            enhanced oil recovery projects in new and existing
            This innovation provides a double benefit by allowing
            more oil to be recovered while reducing CO2 emissions
            Husky has a substantial resource position in the
            Lloydminster area that includes two new thermal
            projects, Pikes Peak South and Paradise Hill. Its asphalt
            refinery, ethanol plant and upgrader in Lloydminster
            add value to the Company's focused integration
            strategy by providing a key link between its heavy oil
            assets and the market."
            release_id=1590890... and we could spend all day
            digging up projects in Canada.



              You guys think people in that industry some how
              missed this?


                Sorry Tom but you are wrong about Parkland at Bowden. Its mothballed, lines have 5 psi Nitrogen (inert gas) to hopefully stop corrosion in case they ever fire up again. (The operator I dealt with said they had no idea if the nitrogen was working but it was still holding pressure)
                This summer they put in an unloading system for railcars as they've rented out tank space to co-op for railcars of diesel brought in from the US.
                Doubtful if it will ever be anything more.


                  Northwest Upgrader is probably the greatest example of "snake oil" we'll ever see in our lifetime!
                  It is a crony capitalism project to process the Alberta government BRIK(bitumin royalty in kind). Basically financed with government "green" grants and loan guarantees. Northwest Upgrader is guaranteed a profit for 30 years!
                  The upgrader uses very questionable technology designed to seperate C02 from the bitumin during the process. The Alberta government is spending at least $680 million to build a C02 pipeline for this plant to do a tertiary C02 flood into depleted oil fields!
                  Corporate welfare at it's best!



                    I think you can see that there are 100's of Billions $$$
                    being invested in our Oil and Gas sectors in western
                    Canada. Keystone is simply an arbitrage facility to
                    equalise supply to new refining capacity locally in
                    North America.


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