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Reeve resigns ....don't jump to conclusions

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    Reeve resigns ....don't jump to conclusions

    There is a news report on page 2 of the Moosomin Spectator that reports Kit Bell, re-elected reeve of RM Moosomin has resigned.

    Now you can scour the internet for details; but unless you are a local person tuned into coffee shop gossip; or a reader of the hard copy of the Moosomin Spectator; I'm afraid you will come up dry.

    And how one links this public news report to Agriville or the uninformed voter is still beyond me.

    The story apparently should be that six other councillors haven't read the Municipal Act; won't stand up for the law and by their inaction have caused the only honorable person to quit.

    I find it totally understandable that the reeve stands nearly alone......thats apparently how low that rural municipal politics have sunk.

    It will be very interesting to see how much support any other sister RM or SARM gives to this former reeve.

    But make no mistake about it; this formmer reeve did exactly the right thing and has my 100000000000000% support.

    It has boiled down to the rot being so bad that no honorable person is willing to be associated with idiots who can't even recognize what is basically right and wrong; let alone the shades of grey.

    Dec. 17, 2012 page 2




        That link will get you the story from the paper. Anyone know how to post that Google "Picassa" image straight to an Agriville thread?




            Your provincial "Municipal Affairs" department should be able to straighten your Councillors out as they have the authority to do so I believe. Talk to your MLA and get him/her on side.

            These "rebels" could easily be dealt with if the provincial government had any guts at all.


              This Moosomin situation is not directly related to examples I know to be true and have exposed before; and which have caused all but a handful of readers to put on full blinders.

              It is yet another glaring example of ratepayers and leadership colleagues condoning, aiding and abetting the wrong side.

              It matters little whether nearly everyone is off side; or oblivious to their surroundings. Obvious wrong and improper decisions are obviously wrong

              From experience I know that the Minister has no intention of becoming involved in the affairs of individual RM's. I mean how would that look to your own supporters of your provincial seats.

              And why would any Municipal advisor jeopradise or complicate their upcoming retirement. Would it be worth it?

              There are solutions. Run for election and effectively "jump into the water or in several cases more likely the cesspool".

              Maybe thats why very few have any intention of ever serving publically. As you can see in Moosomin; and I know from personal experience; its a distinct possibility that a council positions must be deliberately vacated to distance oneself from those who don't understand roles and responsibilities, accountability and the meaning of representation and remaining in touch with the electorate.

              The other workable option is to personally present the case to the courts. You will do that at your own cost and personal peril on many fronts; fought on both sides by your own money and taxes. That is not often done; and so is not a workable remedy.


              And on every front you will be outnumbered because your resources and support from those coureageous andwilling to become involved will be be relatively slim.

              Though you could probably prevail; this option is very seldom used.

              All that it took to get to this state was to do nothing.

              Quit bringing up either as a solution

              And finally; you can see from the near total lack of response to exposing your municipal decisions; just how great the desire is to weigh in on the side of right and wrong you and other leaders and the general public will position themselves.

              What message does this lack of support send to the former Moosomin reeve? Keep this up and one day the wrong sides will have entirely their own way.

              Maybe the Municipal Affairs Minister needs to cause an investigation to be launched; and maybe the answer is simply to make sure that open public meetings are indeed OPEN and Transparent (eg. broadcast live)

              Remember; this would probably/never have happened if Six (should have been a maximum of five) had to make that decision in the open.


                Another try at embedding an image

                &lt;table style=&quot;width:194px;&quot;&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;height:194px;background:url(https://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/transparent_album_background.gif) no-repeat left&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://picasaweb.google.com/113525501263436742701/Pictures?authuser=0&amp;feat=embedwebsite&quot;&gt ;<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-mmFxCD9K9LY/UNZanPTafDE/AAAAAAAAACM/cZUnhGeofh0/s160-c/Pictures.jpg"/>Pictures&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;


                  As an aside; if anyone is interested in how to embed pictures Using Google &quot;Picasa&quot;; start a new thread and I'll contribute

                  &lt;table style=&quot;width:194px;&quot;&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td align=&quot;center&quot; style=&quot;height:194px;background:url(https://picasaweb.google.com/s/c/transparent_album_background.gif) no-repeat left&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://picasaweb.google.com/113525501263436742701/MoosominWorldSpectatorDec172012Page2?authuser=0&am p;feat=embedwebsite&quot;&gt;<img src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-mmFxCD9K9LY/UNZanPTafDE/AAAAAAAAACM/cZUnhGeofh0/s160-c/MoosominWorldSpectatorDec172012Page2.jpg"/>Moosomin World Spectator Dec. 17/2012 page 2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;


                    "Left double click" on the Agriville thumbnail image; and do same again in Picasa page to get a full size "zoomed" image of any picture imbedded in using Google Picasa.sa


                      Maybe another way with additional safeguards and larger image

                      &lt;a href=&quot;https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/_-6OlxoD_fK7zDtpSnPbf9MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=emb edwebsite&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-_RoP58gMom0/UNZaqgWWubI/AAAAAAAAABg/93R4SdyuSXk/s800/Reeve%2520003.jpg&quot; height=&quot;594&quot; width=&quot;800&quot; /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;


                        Excellent...you have it down pat. Now comes the easy part...straightening out the scanned document or picture.

                        Even the free IrfanView can be used to straighten pictures no need for expensive graphic editors either.


                          If I can just remember how it is done; don't accidentally link my whole computer to the world; and get this type of information to the right "person" who might actually recognize the significance... then it will be worth the effort.

                          Is this not just about as deplorable as it could get...or not?

                          I can see how you could lose faith in general humanity.




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