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Diet and Nutrition

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    Insulin doesn't make you fat Cotton, it
    allows absorption of simple sugars in
    the blood to be utilized and burned.
    Your brain for example needs carbs.
    Without it you die.

    People get fat because they need 1500 to
    2500 calories roughly a day but they eat
    twice that.

    1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. 1
    gram of protein and carb each are 4.5
    calories. 1 pound of fat is roughly 3500

    If you walk at a moderate pace you burn
    about 250 calories. 15 hours of walking
    uses up a pound of fat. See why people
    get discouraged?

    85% of weight loss is defined by what
    you eat.

    One big Mac, fries and coke is about
    1200 calories. What you gonna eat the
    rest of the day? Carrots? Nope, a big
    supper and probably had sugar coated
    cereal, milk eggs and hash browns for
    breaky. 4000 calories at least.

    The healthy plate is made up of 50%
    carbs, 25% protein, and 25% fat of which
    the majority should be unsaturated.

    If you wanna lose weight, take your
    weight, multiply by 10 and limit your
    calories to that or less. Count your
    calories. Exercise daily and raise your
    heart rate to 65% of your max heart rate
    for at least half an hour a day.

    Sound too simple? Apparently. that why
    people make billion$ and billion$
    complicating it.

    Make sure you take lots of calcium
    Cotton. Drink a lot of water. Eat
    unsaturated fats if you're gonna eat a
    high fat diet. Try to minimize the

    I've watched those videos cotton. smooth
    salesmen. Just enough big word usage to
    sound believable. i'm a long distance
    runner. I would die at mile 5 if i
    followed this. Not a single real athlete
    could EVER follow this diet and live,
    let alone compete.


      Ahhhh...minus the million things wrong with what
      you said,i'll stick with one.

      How does the fat on the body disappear?

      I'll save you trouble.

      Its turned to fuel,to ketones,to be burned,after all the
      carbs have been used.

      Insulin turns carbs to fat period,this is a truth not a
      lie,not something can be disputed,like gravity,you
      need to accept what you think you know as wrong.


        Dr Eric Westman says in one video that muscle cramps and constipation are an issue on low carb. Suggests salt and magnesium supplements.
        Asian, East Indian and Chinese people who eat rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner are rarely over weight. Definitely high carb, but more active.
        People around the world eat very high carb diets and are thin as a rail. Must be more to it all.


          Not for me to judge what Cotton does. If it works
          and makes you feel right and healthier go for it.
          Here is a bit of my story and i really don't care what
          anyone thinks it has worked well for me and is
          probably why i can actually function today as a
          healthy happy human being.
          Two years ago weighed 280lbs at 6'2" and 58 years
          old. I stopped eating all proscessed food and
          actually anything pretty well with a label on it Also
          no grains or sugars at all. Dropped carb intake to
          50 grams per day only carbs were from fresh
          vegetables. I have no idea how many calories per
          day i eat because i never keep track. I lost 60 lbs in
          6 months and then adjusted same quality carb
          intake to roughly 100 grams per day and have
          maintained my weight to today.
          I also excercise daily but no high stress stuff and
          because i enjoy it. Snowshoe 3 miles per day in
          winter and bicycle 10 or walk 4 miles per day in
          summer. Do not do this to lose weight but rather to
          tone muscles and feel good.
          Long story short no more high blood pressure no
          more arthritis no more upset stomach and no more
          Rolaids and no more allergies.
          if interested google Primal Blueprint the system i
          follow and this should interest farm guys google
          Shovelglove to see the fitness program i have just
          started to follow, no gym no fancy coaches or
          equipment etc just a 12 lb hammer. AS cheap and
          effective as you can get.
          I am not defending it nor do i give a shit if you
          chew me up and spit me out. It works for me and
          works well.
          I also dont have to agree or disagree with cotton's
          program but i do believe modern medicine and big
          food don't tell us everything about the whole carb
          and insulin issue because that is the key to healthy


            Diet and nutrition plays an important role in developing our body. A good nutritious diet with regular exercises and meditation keeps a body healthy and active.

            <a href="http://www.cellublue.com/">Ventouse Minceur</a>


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