In North Center Alberta it's 8 degrees
taday, at times 9, some rain. Snow is
goin. Time ta get the drill out? Early
Spring, lets get ready ta give er.
Saskabunch 3 is covered in snow and
terrified a current conditions, thinks
its gonna be to wettt agin. Lets take
advantage of him, grow bumper crops, get
that early canolie seeded early and
wathcer yield bit time. CLIMATE CHANGE,
no fn way, we always start framing in
Centeral Albertie in January......
heee, heee, heee. Gonna be -25 by the
end a the week, butt by then we'll have
several quarters already seeded, work
while the sun shines, day and night,
while other Comedians are snowbirdin
there lives away in Cuba, Phonex, er
taday, at times 9, some rain. Snow is
goin. Time ta get the drill out? Early
Spring, lets get ready ta give er.
Saskabunch 3 is covered in snow and
terrified a current conditions, thinks
its gonna be to wettt agin. Lets take
advantage of him, grow bumper crops, get
that early canolie seeded early and
wathcer yield bit time. CLIMATE CHANGE,
no fn way, we always start framing in
Centeral Albertie in January......
heee, heee, heee. Gonna be -25 by the
end a the week, butt by then we'll have
several quarters already seeded, work
while the sun shines, day and night,
while other Comedians are snowbirdin
there lives away in Cuba, Phonex, er