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'Single Desk' and decertifying NFU in Ontario

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    'Single Desk' and decertifying NFU in Ontario

    PUBLICATION: Ontario Farmer
    DATE: 2013.01.22
    EDITION: Final
    SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
    PAGE: A6
    COLUMN: Letters to the Editor
    WORD COUNT: 476
    Co-signed NFU letter suggests tribunal was right in its

    Dear editor:

    The National Farmers Union (NFU), in a recent letter to
    this newspaper, made several one-sided statements
    about their loss of accreditation as a general farm
    organization. Firstly, while the NFU claims "the
    Minister's legal counsel supported the NFU-O's
    accreditation application at the December 14 hearing",
    the NFU doesn't seem to understand that this sort of
    intervention by the Minister could easily be seen to be
    an abuse of process, or "bullying" the Tribunal. If
    counsel for the Minister had opposed the NFU
    application, the NFU would have been the first to claim
    abuse of process by the Minister, yet the NFU ignores
    this double standard when it appears to suit their

    Secondly, the NFU still appears unable and/ or
    unwilling to show that the NFU-O is an autonomous
    organization. For example, even their letter to this
    newspaper was written jointly by the national
    organization and the NFU-O. In addition, when the
    NFU cites their efforts to save single desk selling at the
    Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), they ignore the fact that
    the CWB never did matter in Ontario, as well as the fact
    that single desk selling in Ontario has come, and long-
    since gone.

    Furthermore, no autonomous Ontario general farm
    organization would, in 2013, have ever cited attempts
    to save single-desk selling as a reason why they
    should be re-accredited as a general farm
    organization, especially single desk selling at the CWB.
    Ironically, by writing a joint letter, and by defending
    single-desk selling at the CWB, the NFU appears to
    have made the Tribunal's decision to de-certify the
    NFU-O just all that more understandable and

    Thirdly, the claim "the NFU unwaveringly speaks truth
    to power" is misleading and incorrect. For example,
    several years ago the NFU prepared a report comparing
    return on equity for publicly traded agribusiness
    companies with return on equity for primary
    agriculture. However, they quite-incorrectly used rate
    of return on book value of equity for agri-business,
    but used rate of return on market value of equity for
    farmers, and what's worse is that they never disclosed
    they were using completely different yardsticks when
    making this comparison.

    Even though these kinds of errors are automatic
    grounds for failure at any level of academic pursuit,
    when I contacted them to object to the basic errors in
    their methodology, the NFU was un-apologetic and
    un-repentant about these mistakes. For just that
    reason alone, the NFU didn't deserve to be re-

    In the final analysis, however, it seems fairly clear the
    NFU was de-certified because they un-apologetically
    tried to make the enabling legislation fit the way the
    NFU operates nationally, rather than trying to make the
    NFU fit the parameters of what this legislation required
    them to do, and to be, in Ontario.

    Stephen Thompson, Clinton

    For Allen and Stewie... so we don't have any more little boats...

    The definition of Irony... The CWB BULL commercial! Being sucked in by "Big Fog Horns&qu


      Actually, do you think the ships might
      make money after all considering present
      increase in TB movement?



        Why do you keep visiting the gravesite?


          That's fargin hilarious!



            Willy asked me to change my name...

            Lucy says people visit graves sites... so I must not be
            finished grieving yet!




              You should at least grieve until you get the final payment, then maybe a day or two after for how sad that final will be.


                Bucket... that's an ACE... for 21!

                After busting multiple times... this one is a keeper!




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