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Ok I'm going to say it! "F R O S T"!!!!!!

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    Ok I'm going to say it! "F R O S T"!!!!!!

    Woke up this morning wow is it cold at the lake.
    No it didn't freeze but something is changing in
    the weather pattern and I don't like what's
    happening. Since the heat cycle broke in our area
    and rain has started in a fairly big constant way.
    All our storms have came down from Edmonton.
    Not your typical Montana lows that push north and
    hit us, now if one of these days a high decides to
    follow the same path from the north holy shit!
    Maybe when every one in the entire world thinks
    we're on way to producing a huge crop Mother
    Nature has a way of strait ending us out!
    Banff and the foothills were plus 3 to 5 for over
    night highs. Little cool for 20 th of July. August 20
    th maybe but July.
    I still think most crops are about two weeks
    behind normal, frost would do major damage.
    Just saying its not made till its sold and the
    checks cashed!

    Yes sir you are correct. This could be ugly.
    Earliest seeded crops are end of August maturity
    at best. This would be an ass kicker and reality
    check in a BIG way...


      Or we could get hit with a meteorite and
      send us into a nuclear winter.

      Or the sun could go supernova and turn
      into a black hole.

      Or it could stay nice and we'll have
      excellent crops.

      You've obviously ran out of beer at the
      lake SF3!


        JDGreen...Was on highway south of Swift
        yesterday. Was yours along that highway?
        Some nice land and very nice crops.


          I looked at every one of ours and except for my
          barley and peas it would be ugly! Hrs needs till
          sept 5 and canola is every where from just
          shutting down to just full bloom again just, most
          was seeded in may very little in June so that's
          where I come up with we're about two weeks late!
          It's a bin buster on some just need heat heat heat!


            Wd you can't tell me your a little concerned with
            how cool it is for this time of year and this week
            really isn't much above 20 and just around 10 or
            lower at night! Yea did run out of my coors but
            they still had Carona!


              I think most years frost is a concern. But this year is more of a concern. We
              need no rain and lots of heat.

              I get wd9's point. We are far better off than 95% of the worlds population.
              If a frost makes one lose it all, that is most often the farmers own fault. I
              doubt many on here are in dire straits, and in real danger of losing it all.

              It is all perspective. We have so much. That being said, a frost would suck.


                It was plus 3 at are place Saturday
                morning. Scary

                But just as this pattern has moved in it
                can change to the opposite and be hot
                hot hot in a heart beat and we will all
                be talking about how we need a rain to
                finish off the crop.

                Markets sure are not pricing in the
                risks of the lateness of our crops, not
                only here but in the u.s. as well.
                Everyone is so focused on what it looks
                like today. The next 35 to 40 days is
                going to be very, very interesting to
                say the least.


                  Worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, worry, and more worry. My God you people are pathetic. Get real, accept what comes and hope for the best and plan for the worst. Maybe all that money wasted on beer this summer should have been saved for a bleaker fall and winter. ALWAYS have an emergency plan and you'll cope with the farming way of life.

                  My Dad always remembered the depression days and grew enough potatoes that would feed a small army. At least the family wouldn't starve come Hell or high water. Self-sufficiency was a way of life when ever possible.


                    Happy I agree the pattern can change, needing
                    moisture to finish no way were good now. Heat
                    heat heat. Our roots are deep! Also yea the
                    markets only see big crops. Sad isn't it.


                      Kinda funny is it not. When seeding the first part
                      of June frost did not enter our minds then.
                      Maybe we should quit seeding May 20th from
                      now on. Yes frost is always a concern. So is hail.
                      Last couple of years we never had a frost till mid
                      October here anyway. I agree with wilagro, how
                      much do you worry? If frost is such a big
                      concern, do those that have to apply fungicide
                      still go ahead and do it?


                        Apparently enough frost a week ago Saturday to
                        freeze potatoes in the garden north of Borden on
                        highway 16. I'm not sure what damage may have
                        been done to crops.


                          Isn't there a spray for that...........


                            No, but i'm sure ohmex will sell ya one!


                              Dont know if any of you watched mickelson win the british open golf yesterday, but if you did, did you see the state of the course?
                              burnt to a cinder. hottest day in 7 yrs in london, 34c.
                              crops burning up.
                              july last yr flooded out.


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