Hiwaydude, Straight cutting canola on a heavy
stand won't be quite as much fun as you think. If
its RR then forget it. If its invigor or clear field I
would dessicate it with glypho so you get some
stem dry down. Green material wrapped around
your front feed accelerator is ZERO fun. Only
canola I ever had heat came off straight cut fields,
just doesn't stabilize properly.. It feeds like shit on
a d****r when its fully ready to cut, had much
better luck with a full finger auger head and then
the shelling is retarded both ways. On a dry
hotter year I would consider straight cutting again,
this year NO WAY!!!! Knock it down. I would be
waiting till Xmas to straight cut canola this year.
Would really piss me off If i missed turkey dinner
Xmas day and had to straight cut canola. I can
hardly imagine your canola could be ready in 2
weeks as I don't think we are too far apart. Mine
was seeded may10-13 and still flowering
somewhat. That means 4-5 weeks yet maybe
stand won't be quite as much fun as you think. If
its RR then forget it. If its invigor or clear field I
would dessicate it with glypho so you get some
stem dry down. Green material wrapped around
your front feed accelerator is ZERO fun. Only
canola I ever had heat came off straight cut fields,
just doesn't stabilize properly.. It feeds like shit on
a d****r when its fully ready to cut, had much
better luck with a full finger auger head and then
the shelling is retarded both ways. On a dry
hotter year I would consider straight cutting again,
this year NO WAY!!!! Knock it down. I would be
waiting till Xmas to straight cut canola this year.
Would really piss me off If i missed turkey dinner
Xmas day and had to straight cut canola. I can
hardly imagine your canola could be ready in 2
weeks as I don't think we are too far apart. Mine
was seeded may10-13 and still flowering
somewhat. That means 4-5 weeks yet maybe