Central to the issue is the fact that taxpayer
dollars, universities and producer levies support
research projects. IMO, we all should own the
rights. If plant breeders want the profit, we should
step aside and let plant breeders foot the whole
bill. Its called free enterprise - risk and reward.
Registered seed growers replicate the seed and
they deserve to benefit and they should pay a
levy, but once the seed no longer has Seed
Status, according to the Canada Seeds Act,
anyone should be able to grow it without paying
any levy. Just my opinion.
dollars, universities and producer levies support
research projects. IMO, we all should own the
rights. If plant breeders want the profit, we should
step aside and let plant breeders foot the whole
bill. Its called free enterprise - risk and reward.
Registered seed growers replicate the seed and
they deserve to benefit and they should pay a
levy, but once the seed no longer has Seed
Status, according to the Canada Seeds Act,
anyone should be able to grow it without paying
any levy. Just my opinion.