How come royalties aren't paid to the guys who invented Canola. Maybe bayer and MOnsanto should be paying U of M and U sask every year.
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Plant Breeders' Rights
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My internet research shows that across
Australia from 1998-2007 the average wheat
yield was 1.6 tonne per hectare(24 bu per
acre)with a record national average of
2.11 tonne per hectare (31 bu per acre) in
2002. Not sure what this says except ours
is higher but many variables besides
varieties affect yield.
Our yields have been just under tonnes/hectare (closer to 2.75) with the current year closer to 3.25 tonnes per hectare. Australia continues at about 2.
I"ll give you the tool so you can look at yield trends for any crop and any country versus Canada.
<a href="">psd</a>
Click on perform a custom query. Scroll down to yields on the second column. Pick countries in the third. Pick years in the last. You can download the information on a spreadsheet.
The bill also provides the Canadian Food
Inspection Agency with the authority to
consider foreign reviews, as well as
data and analyses during
approval/registration of new
agricultural products in Canada.
The Act includes a new licensing and
registration structure for animal feed
and fertilizer operators and
establishments, increased monetary
penalties for violations, stronger
controls for agricultural products at
the border and requirements for more
stringent record-keeping to enhance the
safety of ag products.
The bill also amends the Agricultural
Marketing Programs Act to simplify
delivery and provide easy access to the
Advance Payments Program for producers.
Cut paste
You need 24 farmers volunteer to do some
research: s
Search who lobbied government each month for
the last 24 months on the Plant Breeders' Rights
issue. DO a good job.
October 2013- saskfatmer3 ?
September 2013 bucket?
Pick one month and state the month you pick to
post Find out who lobbied any MP or ag
committee or standing committee concerning
agriculture during that month you choose. Post it.
Do a thorough job.
Your collaboration will provide you with the big
picture. You will need a good two years or
Do your homework.Together. Pars
Parsley I'll save you the trouble
Partners in Innovation participants include:
Barley Council of Canada
Alberta Barley Commission
Canadian Horticultural Council
Canadian Ornamental Horticulture Alliance
Canadian Potato Council
Canadian Seed Trade Association
Fédération des Producteurs de Cultures
Commerciales du Québec
Grain Farmers of Ontario
Grain Growers of Canada
Manitoba Pulse Growers Association
The Prairie Oat Growers Association
Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association
I guess the next question is do these
organizations actually represent their
constituents and how large are their
memberships?I could be wrong but I have
a gut feeling that the "Duck Dynasty"
farmer on the prairies will not be very
happy when this bill becomes law and the
public breeding as it exists now is
totally gutted.Thanks for the list of
organizations but some are not
mentioned: Keystone,APAS,Sk Pulse
Growers,Wildrose,Pulse Canada, Ab
Pulse...From your list were all in
favour of this bill? What input did they
have ie briefs... If so are they
available on line? Can the present Ag
Canada breeding program coexist with the
new direction? If not why not,if so
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