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What is government's responsibility?

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    What is government's responsibility?

    As we all bitch about the grain marketing fiasco in
    western canada we need to step back and
    consider what a government should do. First and
    foremost a government should work to create the
    infrastucture and environment that allows
    business to succeed. Businesses need the
    roads,railways and pipelines to move product to
    market especially in Canada which is a large land
    mass with great distances to port. Governments
    also need to have in place trade agreements
    which give businesses market access.
    Now what has the Harper government done.
    Their lack of vision and success in getting
    pipelines approved is abismal, oil companies are
    forging ahead producing more oil need to get it to
    market and therefore use railway due to lack of
    pipeline space. Western canadian farmers have
    been successful at increasing production as well
    but apparentely nobody did the math on how
    much rail capacity it would take to move it to
    market position. The Harper government removed
    the Cwb giving us supposed market freedom. In
    their defence the Cwb would have sold our wheat
    based on historical production and we would
    have moved very little but everyone would be in
    the same boat and the rest of the world would not
    be as aware of our plight due to the Cwb's
    secretive way of doing business.
    As for the rest of Harpers policies, removing
    funding from the CGC, reducing funding to public
    seed developement, reducing the support levels
    of agristability and implementing Upov 91 the only
    benefit I see to farmers is spreading the cost of
    certified seed over all grain sold instead of limiting
    it to being applied on seed purchases. The only
    people who are profiting from present
    government policy are the graincos, the railways,
    the fertilizer and herbicide companies. The
    western canadian farmer on the whole is the

    What is the gov responsible for? In a perfect world in my eyes, not
    much at all. I would prefer they get out of the way in a real way. As
    far as pipeline approvals, the current govt is doing what it can.
    Today is a different world though. There is a treehugger around every
    corner. The media feeds them with a global warming spoon for decades,
    and so they protest pipelines at every turn.

    IMO, the best way for govt to help business, is to get the heck out of

    For us as farmers, if this means changing how we do things to avoid
    this issue in the future, by growing something else, or doing things
    differently, I am all for it. We have done this before in many ways as
    a whole. It is not like difficulty in grain farming is something new
    or strange. It is a perpetual problem. In a business with a perpetual
    problem, one needs to adapt to the circumstances, not cry out to
    government for help.


      We, as farmers have never had to worry about
      the shipping side of the marketing equation
      before because either that end was covered up
      by the Wheat Board or special crop marketers
      begged for cars while the "board" had first dibs.
      An old special crops marketer says rail shipping
      backlogs are a perrennial problem. Before Xmas
      the rail seems to slow down for the holidays,
      then comes the cold weather, snowstorms, etc.
      And voila. PANIC by summer, the pipeline is
      unplugged. He says that's what he has witnessed
      for 30 years.


        Hamloc, I believe you are incorrect regarding oil
        pipelines. The Sask Party and federal
        Conservatives have been the largest promoters of
        pipelines and have been for a long time.

        Opposition to pipelines: NDP, Liberals, David
        Suzuki and his followers, media, hippies, natives,
        Obama, etc.


          The government should act as an unbiased regulator.

          We don't need the government to invest, or as some say pick winners or losers, just ensure the rules are the same for everyone.


            Hamloc you are right on! This govt is
            getting totally out of the way and
            leaving everything to the laissez faire
            ideology of mr harper as far as ag is
            concerned. He is spending millions of
            our money to promote the oil industry
            and giving free flights and expenses to
            business leaders who could foot their
            own bill! We need good solid regulations
            that are logical and are enforced with
            penalties where appropriate(to workers
            and companies).


              Good point. It has to balanced.

              If you threaten to bring in back to work legislation, you have to be prepared to force management of the railroads to do something as well.

              You also can't say that you can't use political interference because the railways are private companies.

              And then squash private companies deals between BHP and Potashcorp while calling potash a strategic resource.

              What is agriculture to Canada?


                If they hadn't got rid of the CGC
                assistant commissioners they could have
                been on top of everything transportation,
                contract deliveries, dockage issues etc
                they were very valuable to producers and
                should have been expanded not removed.


                  The dismantling of agricultural supports is hurting
                  me for sure.


                    I can't speak for the rest of you.


                      It is apparent that business will do what is best for it's bottom line. But that is NOT the best for all others affected by their decisions. Sorry to say, more rules and regulations enforced by penalties is needed to herd them into proper actions. They are asking for it with their incompetence.


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