I think someone has to call Apas, WCWGA, The friends of the CWB, every grower group and commission and say something like this:
"Look fellows. I realize we haven't seen eye to eye before but this is one big ass problem. Maybe WE should put aside some bickering for a while or we will all be out of business"
Then have a meeting, elect a spokesperson. AND then give that person the authority to speak on behalf of the groups involved. Clear, concise consequences that will happen if this isn't fixed right quick.
If that doesn't scare the shit out of either the politicians, railways, or graincos, I don't know what will.
"Look fellows. I realize we haven't seen eye to eye before but this is one big ass problem. Maybe WE should put aside some bickering for a while or we will all be out of business"
Then have a meeting, elect a spokesperson. AND then give that person the authority to speak on behalf of the groups involved. Clear, concise consequences that will happen if this isn't fixed right quick.
If that doesn't scare the shit out of either the politicians, railways, or graincos, I don't know what will.