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Justin time logic... the hockey 'gift' to Canadian politics

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    Justin time logic... the hockey 'gift' to Canadian politics

    Hi Charlie,

    In Agriweek Morris this week shared a paragraph about
    Justin Trudeau... the Canadian that belongs in
    Washington state or Colorado with there new weed
    laws would make him happy.

    Justin time logic:

    "It is of no account how many times the Little Trudeau
    puts his foot in his mouth, but his much-com-mented
    remark about the heightened risk of a Russian invasion
    of Ukraine on account of the fact that Russia did not
    win a medal in Olympic hockey brings thoughtless,
    mindless flip- pancy to a whole new level. Any- body
    stupid enough to say such a bizarre, senseless,
    insensitive, igno- rant thing does not belong even in
    the zoo of Canadian politics. Whether he apologized or
    not is be- side the point."

    So if we had lost and the Russians had the gold...
    things would be different in the Ukraine?

    Justin is unique there is no doubt about it! Perhaps we
    can ask him how to improve grain logistics in western

    Temps this weekend... minus 40 C...
    How about a little 'Global Warming'! Justin...


    But the fact he is getting press, helps his cause, right?

    Better question is why are we going to the Ukraine to help out, when we have pipes freezing, so to speak, here in Canada?

    Helping the Ukraine get itself straightened out will put western canadian farmers in the poorhouse.

    Its the richest land in the world, if they get ahead, we are truly pooched.

    Oh well, if they send some of the right Canadians, the ukraine may never get straightened out.

    Is Gerry Ritz going ?????



      JPJT is coming I'm afraid. Any thoughts on mess
      he'll make? More taxes, more regulations, sounds
      like his economic policies are worse than his


        From the Harper's Gong Show in Ag to the
        Trudeau Bong Show in Ag. At least
        everyone will be mellow and not give a
        shit. Munchies anyone, maybe we will eat
        our way out of this mess.


          This country is really going to hell in a handbasket, isn't it?

          If the little puke could realize some of the mistakes his dad made, and could learn from them, it might make him look like leadership material.

          Not likely though.


            Take a look around you bucket, Canada is not
            going to hell in a handbasket.

            We've not only come through the past few years
            without fiscal disaster, but no uprisings as in the
            Ukraine, or Mass-murdering as in Syria, or
            chronic Egyptian revolts.

            In fact, while paying down the deficit, borh
            Canada and Saskatchewan have paid down the
            deficits, while targeting money for rebuilding

            Fiscally, Canada is headed in the right direction,
            albeit much too slow for my taste.

            Infrastructure takes time to rebuild. Money has
            been, and is again, eared for all the ports,
            including border crossings which is good for

            Wall has repaired some roads and a
            transportation hub waiting or us to fill it up with
            processed food.

            Harper just budgeted $378M for bridges long
            crumbled in Montreal.

            Farmers have clealry identified our transportation
            problem. We've bitched ourselves hoarse. The
            politicians fomand press got the message.

            Now let's be part of the solution.

            Bucket has done an admirable job of
            researching and suggesting. Would you start a
            thread, bucket and post some of your solutions
            on one new thread that is ONLY designated for
            positive solutions?

            Will the rest of AV'ers post at least one positive
            helpful way to get out grain to market faster, our
            contracts better, delivery time frame more

            If all of us post, at the very least. one suggestion
            to fix the problem on a new thread, it can be sent
            to all the players easily. Would you do it?

            Lets step up our game to positive. Succinct. And

            If you can invent a new machine in your shop,
            you can damn well write down an idea to help us
            market better. . Pars


              Good comments Parsley, totally agree.

              By the way check out the great speech Brad Wall did this week at the Manning Networking Conference if you have time.


                Listened to his compelling address on SunNews.
                A stunning presentation in every way: positive,
                leading, practical, and laced with humour. pars


                  I haven't seen it yet, but does it call to action on any of it.

                  This country needs a shitload of infrastructure money to be spent, probably greater than when they built the transcontinental railway.

                  Where are those visionary leaders that will take the role?

                  Where are Diefenbakers, gardiner,s douglases, etc that worked together for the greater good of the country?

                  Does Wall have it, I think he does, but he needs more people like him.



                    This is the best I can do, I don't know how to make it a hotlink.

                    Take the time to listen to this.


                      Sounds like the next Prime minister of Canada to me.


                        Think in the next short while, bucket , we will see
                        some instant- fix-measures.

                        BUT, as I see it, farmers must be pro-active in
                        providing input to the big decisions.

                        Saying what we need, not just what we want.

                        Saying want is good or FARMERS.

                        Being prepared to do some work.

                        Why don't we start an informational website? For
                        bona fide farmers. And do it ourselves? A map
                        section: Railroad line maps . Port maps.
                        Highway maps. Etc. An irrigation section. A
                        regulation link section. Consumer section. etc.
                        Etc. Etc

                        We have to be committed to work at informing
                        outselves and our fellow farmers.

                        We need to plan so our farm children dont have
                        to have to stand on the railroads waving signs.




                          Please delete the idea of "An irrigation section."

                          That is one of the most high subsidized ways of farming on the prairies.

                          I do not endorse the government spending a billion dollars to help 20 farmers watch a pivot go around in a circle and then treat the rest of us like second class citizens.

                          Just saying.


                            Do I smell fresh air?


                              Bucket. When you have time, would you be kind
                              enough to fill me in on the pitfalls of irrigation?


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