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Justin time logic... the hockey 'gift' to Canadian politics

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    There is no real pitfalls to irrigation except the way it is funded in Saskatchewan.

    The Riverhurst pipeline project was done for some 100million dollars years ago.

    It benefitted 20 farmers. Lets say 15000 acres are now irrigated. The cost to put the water and power to each quarter line on a per acre basis is astronomical. (around 6000 per acre) And that is not including the farmers cost of putting up a pivot and the lines to the pivot point.

    So much so that if the 20 farmers it benefitted had to do it on their own - it would either break them financially or it would never get done.

    And that relly should be the litmus/smell test if another project goes ahead.

    I just can't condone any government spending that kind of money to no real benefit other than making a few millionaires.


      Sadly, like the basement of my house, the best
      time to complete irrigation was 35 years ago.
      Will all the useable resource in Diefenbaker ever
      be used by Saskatchewan?


        The biggest resource for Lake diefenbaker will be tourism and resort building.

        Irrigation and the idea of drought proofing is a noble cause but the costs are very high. Too high for the climate we have to grow high value crops.

        Further when farmers that want irrigation are not able or willing to put their farms on the line to get it done, I am not convinced the rest of us should either. If I want to increase production either by more inputs or more land, its not the government paying for it at 6000 an acre.

        This isn't california and looking at minus 40 for the first of march, it never will be.


          X 2, irrigation is a pipe dream, money pit, not feasible in Sk.


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