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Ok Stephen Replace Ritz he's a Idiot!!

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    RD414 the cwb did lots of work on this
    but those files were probably destroyed
    by Ritz.


      Sorry but I couldn't resist that one.

      I agree Mr Christy didn't make anything
      valid in his speech yesterday

      Remember he is only a pawn in the chess
      match, maybe not the best player,
      however I really wonder if anyone else
      would do much better.

      Even if huge changes were made, someone
      along the way licks their chops and
      tries to grab a share of the profits.

      I'm not saying in any way do nothing,
      however we can make money in many
      different ways.

      To each their own, seems to be working
      for me


        Cotton, I think you hit the nail on the head! Ritzs tone shows that he really doesn't care for farmers all that much he thinks we have it pretty good and just do allot of complaining for nothing.

        He was quoted in the WP awhile back something to the effect of "I brought farmers out of their mailboxes into the market" No what you did Ritz was remove the CWB which any idiot with a majority could have done and gut agristability so good farmers now have the same margin as shitty farmers and will never collect anything out of the program.

        I 100 percent agree with Saskfarmer on this one Ritz needs to go his attitude sucks and he is clearly not working in the interests of Western Canadian farmers.


          How are grain cos making money? Shipping grain
          is how they make money. Forget the basis. Drop
          it, stop talking about it. Basis is a signal to sell.
          They can't take your grain cause they can't move
          it. So the only way to discourage us from selling is
          to widen basis. Simple concept for most people
          who step back and realize there will be 25 million
          tones of this crop that can't move to any market


            Just because graincos aren't elevating grain, doesn't mean they've stopped offering future delivery contracts. The basis is wide as far as you can see.
            Oh ya, your one of those coffee shop guys that took out basis contracts for 100% of your 2014 production, and I bet you did it 16 months ago. Where do you think all that extra basis and dollar exchange is going? Not to you my friend, just how long will you store your crops 2013 and 2014 maybe 2015. The oil will still be flowing into railcars even then, think the basis will improve? A new pipeline won't bring relief for five years!


              NEXT Election anyone who just HAS to vote for Ritz (or any con politician)no matter what remember this:

              INSANITY is doing the same thing over and over and EXPECTING a different result


                Who the **** here ever farmed their mailboxes---
                what an idiot. I would have gotten out of this years
                ago if that's what I had to rely on.

                Them bastards had an adgenda and never put any
                thought into the conequences of it. Now its
                reactive instead of proactive. Funny how some
                wanted government out of their business and now
                are asking for help with the matter. Ironic.


                  Every day at the Local Cargill or Pioneer farmers are coming in asking price of canola and selling a little and they are taking that. Little by little fill boats with under nine canola and wheat below 5 and presto when finally get it to coast sell for 12 and 10 and who makes the profit here. Follow the money.


                    Their not complaining so follow the money.
                    Ritz comments yesterday and his tone just piss me off. Mail box farmers that's a great one. Its like the frost years "lets wait and see how bad it actually froze" Nothing in the head just like the politician, Farmers can see this but no one else.
                    STUDY STUDY STUDY TALK TALK TALK Wait and hope it goes away. unfortunately with oil being king for both Govt coffers and Railways and the Grain are slowing down and using basis to make huge profits. Life is great for every one except the farmers.


                      Pipelines are like computers. They are obsolete the day you purchase them. Or in the case of pipeline capacity they are full, and always one or two lines behind available production. Shipping oil by rail will not get better until peak oil actually does arrive. A new pipeline won't bring relief PERIOD.

                      Ajl is absolutely correct with his assessment. I, for one, will remain patient, and store this valuable crap until those solutions kick in. It will be sooner than most believe.


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