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Ok Stephen Replace Ritz he's a Idiot!!

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    I do have to agree with Tandem. To large degree
    the large basis is a message from the grain
    companies, it's a way to discourage sales. BUT
    remember it is a symptom of the first problem and
    yes they will benefit from it.


      Its a easy scam, Push all the attention on the Railways, Have a minister who first says they are doing a great job then gets the memo months later their is a problem.
      Tell farmers to buy buy buy, you need to grow a crop in 2014 again just as big so book buy and prebuy all you need.
      Oh contract with unreal basis is the only way you will be able to move grain in fall of 2014 or even as far out as 2015.
      Delay deliveries of guys with contracts over and over again. Once they need cash badly you got them to.
      AH its like shooting fish in a barrel.
      Printing money isn't this easy.


        So who is paying the demurrage on 55 ships?
        Could that be why grain company's have very
        wide basis levels. I don't think the grain
        company's are making the killing that some think
        they are.


          if ritz , said that, he is even dumber than i thought.
          all those years with 1/3 the support of US farmers. mail box farmers right!
          and he had anything to do with commodity prices, priceless

          and to top that. US has the brains to have the Mississippi as a public utility.

          not here , harper and crew ,
          can not even manage to keep an eye
          on such a crucial sector. a monopoly
          how is that possible?

          they can not have 1 expert , to advise
          the PM, the transport and ag ministers.
          that this mess is unfolding.

          we know ritz couldn't figure it out.

          but surely someone in this govt.
          should care enough about the western economy to do something.

          i guess in a top down dictatorship like this one,
          even if a civil servant had told them , they would ignore it.

          most of you guys elected them,
          so pick up the phone and ream their asses out .
          find locomotives, grain
          cars , crews. and put the screws to the railways. it should never have gotten this bad .
          and short of a drought it is not going away.

          losing 4 bucks a bushel on canola is no small matter.

          and to get an ignorant DUH !!!
          response from Ritz is reason enough for dismissal .

          nationalize the rail bed ,build it to
          handle everything , western Canada has to ship. and then some .
          and open running rights to who ever.


            If your selling at these basis levels
            youre paying the demurrage


              This is what we wanted. Unadulterated free market
              production and transportation, the Canadian Dream.
              Now as we look back we have a Grainco system that is
              giggling to themselves that it actually finally
              happened and a railroad system benefiting by
              inactivity. Our Ag Minister postures as it all plays out
              but deep down does he really care as he couldn't
              make a viable farm out of some of the most
              productive land in the province. If he couldn't hatch
              out a profit with the then current system then surely
              it can't work for anyone. When political
              blindsightedness (surely not a word) and a zombie
              like following supersedes common sense this is the
              result. We are reaping what we sow. Hold on,
              nothing is going to change anytime soon. Too much
              money is being made by the people that have
              convinced us this is what we needed.


                I am on the record as saying the Old CWB likely
                couldn't have moved it all either or kept the prices
                from slipping some. But no, the initial payment
                wouldn't have been $1.50 with a 25% contract call
                either. And I do agree with the above post. And I
                did say the baby was thrown out with the
                bathwater. Was it a percect system? No. Would it
                be as bad as it is today under the old system?
                What we have today in my mind is poorly
                organized chaos. God, I feel sorry for the guys who
                need cash flow, now. Either because their old
                contracts aren't being executed or need to sell
                some now and the prices are in the toilet. There is
                going to be a hangover of low prices for a while til
                "WE PRODUCERS" have the demmurage bill paid
                for. This period will go down in history as being
                the largest transfer of wealth from the Farm to
                Grain Companies in history. RRs are capped per
                tonne but they're inflicting their own punishment
                on us and making us vulnerable to the Grain Cos.
                If you acted early and kind of beat it, I am happy
                for you, but as SF3 says what about next year?
                Anyone feeling the sense of urgency the Grain Cos
                are applying by telling you to price 2014 production
                to ensure delivery? That's right accept today's
                price in "HOPES" of being able to deliver next fall--
                nice. Seems they lift their foot off your throat long
                enough for you to catch your breath before they re-
                apply pressure. What we are living through right
                now should be burned into our memories for life
                and should be taught to our children, no one
                should ever be allowed to forget. Too bad we
                thought we could individually stand toe to toe and
                eye to eye with giant bullies.


                  Forgot to mention . What about all those
                  "relationships" we are supposed to "nurture" with
                  our business associates? If any other segment of
                  a chain in an industry got kicked in the nuts as
                  hard as we did, do you think they would be looking
                  for new alliances? What are our options, LOL!!!


                    Well stated farmaholic, I agree 100%, that is the way it stands today. I said it hurts how little farmers are valued in the whole chain.


                      Cry me a river fjlip. Im 33 and I am over crying about
                      how the public views ag. We have created this
                      environment. We chose to create this mandate that
                      would go head to head with a highly subsidized
                      american system expecting to out market and out
                      ship them. All the while telling the government to
                      stay out but allow foreign investors, whether
                      Graincos, rail, or land investors to run the Canadian
                      ag market. Who cares what the public thinks of us?
                      This is our baby and we will defend it tooth and nail.
                      The government knows this and thats why they are
                      trying to focus on energy which needs all the
                      lobbying they can get. The problem is that their plan
                      to build on a historically stable Ag industry is amiss
                      because of their shortsightedness. Energy is a roller
                      coaster and the gains we are getting from energy we
                      will surely lose from loss of ag revenue. We are
                      already cooking the books in sask to misrepresent
                      this. I like Brad, a fiscal liberal politician, but even he
                      didn't plan for this mess.


                        There are short term fixes to get grain moving
                        that can be implemented to help with cash flow.

                        Railroads are the problem. They act like a
                        restaurant who won't serve farmers.

                        Which will change, one way or the other.

                        But I have't lost my faith in the long term benefits
                        of an open market, either. Pars


                          No disrespect Pars, but could you name a country for
                          me where this utopia of free market Ag production
                          benefits farmers without the need for heavy
                          government subsidies.


                            That is a very good question.

                            The american are heavily subsidized to ensure farmers are growing grain. Good thing to otherwise the world would be short regularly.

                            Also their main transportation system, the Mississippi river is handled as a government entity for trade and commerce.

                            We have none of that in Canada, so the wealth of western canadian farms gets put in the hands of 5 families. Paterson, Richardson, Parrish, Heimbecker, and Cargill.


                              yes parsley . but where is the open market?
                              railroads 2 that act like a single

                              4-5 grain co.s in charge movement.
                              could compete ,
                              but make lots more when they don't.

                              a chem and seed lobby that virtually writes, their own patent and registration rules
                              which successive
                              Conservative govt.s turn into law.

                              and even in this mess there doing it again. UPOV what ever it is.

                              we have paid as much as triple for off patent chems. than the Americans
                              does not sound open to me.

                              fert. produced here and shipped 1000s
                              of miles and sold for less.

                              what open market?

                              just billions in wealth transferred
                              with Conservative blessing .

                              to corporate AG from farmers pockets.

                              and when the farmers pockets are empty
                              they get the taxpayers ,
                              to cough up

                              enuf to keep some in business.
                              the farmers friend that they are .

                              if conservatives think these corporations need welfare. then do it directly.

                              but i guess you don't get on the board of ADM .(Mulroney) if you do not tow the line in power .


                                Way off topic, but re American ag subsidies:
                                Washington may call it a Farm Bill but US
                                lawmakers view ag subsidies as a subsidy for
                                rural America. A US politician explained to me
                                once that it was the best way outside of Indian
                                Rez casinos to help keep rural USA from


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