Absolutely great point one off, with these prices it ain't gonna take 30 years for the bite to chew a hole in many operations.
The few solutions we have are ones we would disagree on, and so as we sign on UPOV, can we keep the public genetics in farmers hands and create a farmers owned breeding house like LIMAGRAIN. Can the new CWB become a powerful farmer owned CORPORATION...can the rail review be something meaningful with scorecards that insure a competitive grainmarket...these are the choices of today.
Of is the solution in just growing more grain and bragging about yields and acres we farm.
There are choices for the future today, we can make.
The few solutions we have are ones we would disagree on, and so as we sign on UPOV, can we keep the public genetics in farmers hands and create a farmers owned breeding house like LIMAGRAIN. Can the new CWB become a powerful farmer owned CORPORATION...can the rail review be something meaningful with scorecards that insure a competitive grainmarket...these are the choices of today.
Of is the solution in just growing more grain and bragging about yields and acres we farm.
There are choices for the future today, we can make.