cotton - "Another proof in a long list of proof's that our culture is in fact insane."
could not resist cotton ---- "was" insane is the word however. Oil is nothing compared to what is happening around the world right now.
The bankster cabal has been rooted out and the whole system has shifted.
No point posting any non conventional articles on agriville however... LMAO
Bottom line boys and girls is that it is going to be a whole lot better in the very near future. Might have to change a bit, but opportunities will abound.
could not resist cotton ---- "was" insane is the word however. Oil is nothing compared to what is happening around the world right now.
The bankster cabal has been rooted out and the whole system has shifted.
No point posting any non conventional articles on agriville however... LMAO
Bottom line boys and girls is that it is going to be a whole lot better in the very near future. Might have to change a bit, but opportunities will abound.