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Harper's brave new world

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    Harper's brave new world


    Historically we used to get about 85% of the value of our grain( final payment/port price). This Dr. of Economics says we now get 40%-60% and are heading for 20%. Can't hardly wait.

    Fortunately I don't need a doctorate to think openly and critically.
    Happy New Year to everyone in LaLaLand.


      stop saying stuff like that.

      actually they need to get down to
      2 grain co.s , so that the synergy
      is created that results in savings.
      that will be passed down to the farmer.

      and last winter was just growing pains.
      We need a little patience as our business partners , the multinational
      grain co.s get consolidated enough to pass on the benefits.

      and our govt. is wisely taking whats left of the CWB and giving to our multinational partners.
      just to make sure it is dead.
      not that we really have to worry .
      thanks to Mr. Mulroney and compensation clauses in the free trade agreement.
      no Canadian govt. ever would pay the compensation required for , lost and potential profits . to the grain .co.s to bring a board back.

      thank you Mr Harper we have it made now


        Captobvious. Just wondering where you farm?


          Captobvious. 85% of what value? Just like the cwb no actual numbers. All this talk to of transportation being better under the cwb. I can't believe how short some peoples memories are. The cwb answer to last year transportation issue would be to force farmers to carry over 60-70% of the crop. I remember doing that for 4 years straight. Had almost 3 full crops in the bin

          Can't believe I got sucked into a cwb argument!


            Observations of video:
            I notice CWB is one of the sponsors for that segment "Market Prospects".
            A point not made by professor was that oil traffic has increased rapidly since the CWB single desk.

            On a positive note, the extended inter switching by US railways would improve our grain movement to the US.


              I farm in NW Sask.
              In 2009/10 net western wheat sales were about $248/t and final payments were about$230/t. 2008/9 was about $320/$275 and 2007/8 was $390/$355 and so on( est. from a bar chart).
              Most analysts will tell you the RRs last year moved a reasonable but not a humongous amount of grain, and the biggest snarl in the system was the lack of co-ordination( wrong product waiting for the wrong ships waiting for...). The CWB single desk handled co-ordination quite well.


                That last sentence is evidence of what happens when revisionists are unimpeded.


                  <a href="http://s1375.photobucket.com/user/gustgd/media/imagejpg1_zpsdb184fed.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1375.photobucket.com/albums/ag446/gustgd/imagejpg1_zpsdb184fed.jpg~original" border="0" alt=" photo imagejpg1_zpsdb184fed.jpg"/></a>


                    vvalk where do you farm right on the border?? Mabey gov leaseed cheap land mabey gov subsidised iregation AKA welfare farming. Very convient to US markets but some of us have to ship hundreds of mi to get to border ,, It was nice having an elevator and grain handling system so all I had to wory about was producing a crop the best I could. If I wanted to be a grain marketer why bother farming??


                      You guys keep arguing.

                      It's exactly what government and industry wants.

                      Neither side is right. Bottom line is farmers are getting ****ed and instead of getting on the same page you argue like school girls over their first boyfriend.



                        Wow horse not smart enough to grow a crop and sell it? Only gre wheat and malt barley? You make the statement why farm if you have to do more then just grow it. That may be the most narrow minded comment ever
                        There is trucking going on from edm down to south of Idaho. No excuses as to how far you are from the border.
                        Captobvious. You use percentages of the cwb own numbers. What does it matter if they gave back 90% of a price they came up with. Pretty easy to say I do such a good job when you control all the information. Just trust us!!
                        On top of that in a big crop you could only sell 40%. Solves a lot of transportation issues when you only haul half the crop and then basically 10% a month till new crop. Who cares about cash flow right?


                          Big talk bucket from someone who only comments on agriville and coffee shops.


                            I agree with bucket, farmers will always be divided and conquered by BIG business, has always been so and never will it change. And Governments stand and watch, using our selves as reasons to NOT act.
                            Merry bickering Christmas.


                              Oh wow, trucking from edmonton to idaho, a prime example of the great system we have. We built railways for a reason


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