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A Cn/Cp'Writ of Execution' has been registered against all our western CDN grainfarms

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    A Cn/Cp'Writ of Execution' has been registered against all our western CDN grainfarms

    A 'Writ of Execution' has been issued against every grain farm in western Canada!!!

    You might need a catchy line like this... and write the great Hunter... ask him to release your farm... and get some power working and haul your hopper cars to the US and our ports!!!

    ""This is Not about me being on a cross... but I sure would appreciate some applications from you folks...to the CTA ... explaining just how disruptive cherry picking Hunter has prevented arbitrage of our grain prices... by failing to provide a reasonable level of service to our grain transportation grain

    If we work together... our many chains of interest and concern woven together... we can pull the great hunter right out of his powerful locomotive... easy chair!!!

    Now... go and just do the right thing! Send a letter to your MP. Make a submission to the CTA... and tell them in no uncertain terms... you are sick and tired of a run away freight train... recking your opportunity for a fair return for your families blood sweat and tears!!!"""

    Please cc your MP.

    Please cc your MLA and Write them a letter. Agriculture is shared jurisdiction (Fed/Prov) under the Canadian Constitution.

    Cc and write your Provincial Minister responsible for Agriculture.

    I am in the process of doing all these things... and very likely would not have... if a 'Writ of Execution' had not been issued against me... in January of 2015 by the CN and CP railways.

    Yet... a 'Writ of Execution' with a close to comparative damages charge against our farm's grain... has been issued against each one here on Agriville. Every grain farmer in western Canada. Studies are being done by the SK commissions with experts saying grain transport is costing billions extra... in lost value.

    Obviously these very threads... run on this very message board... not very far down the list below.

    This is NOT easy writing. This is not fun. Obviously this is NOT about me... as I said this is about US working together to counterbalance and overtake the myriad of railway lobbyists who daily walk the isles of power... in the Capitals of our Country.

    The power of the great hunter... with his coordination and knowledge of both CN and CP is overwhelming.

    What do we do? If we offend the great Hunter... with way over a hundred lobbyists hired to do his bidding now he has a voluntary imformal joint venture between the railways;

    the Hunted... who offend the railing executives... of the great RR JV... can easily cut off cars to your delivery point. 'Writs of Execution' written and delivered against your farm... every time the your cars are late or not delivered at all.

    The CWB used to do this... now the RR can with impunity... and we can't prove it... other than to judge the result by a wide basis... and short bank accounts for our farms.

    I am an environmentalist. We should absolutely be using rail cars... loaded locally... to haul our grains to export position.

    We/our farm spent days... before Christmas... hauling flax with superbees... hundreds of miles... with tank after tank of fuel burnt.. to fill containers... hauled to Calgary... back and forth by trucks... because dependable rail service cannot be found a few miles just over the hills... on Battle River Rail. But the oil cars sure were spotted and picked up!

    Now the Hunted are running out of time and money... as spring breakup is upon us... and our bank accounts run into lines of credit... instead of planned cash flow that was tendered months ago...

    We are all riding this great freight train together.

    We (the Hunted) had better work together better than the supposed legal colluding JV they have snuck in the back door with the great hunt for increases in profit.

    Now work on this... we need to form a union... for our every one of our very family farms have a 'Writ of Execution' placed upon them... by the great Master... the Great Bonus Hunter!!!

    Blame it on your MP... if you like. that does not cut it for me. The CWB kept us divided... and weak... and the Hunters now are placing their bets... that we are too stupid to work together... and challenge them.

    Lets prove them WRONG. Ask your MP and MLA and Ag Minister... what they want us to do. Tell them you have a 'Writ of Execution' enforced against your farm.... every single time... you cash a grain delivery receipt... or need to top up your operating account at the bank... because your hopper cars were not delivered on time and in good order.

    We locally here at our one elevator... are 5 unit trains short... since Jan 1 2015... only 3 train spots... and we needed 8 to just stay current... with the contracted grain scheduled to be shipped.

    I ask... is this an accident? Or have the Hunted... had a 'Writ of Execution' served on every farm in our area... NOT JUST OUR FAMILIES FARm!!!

    Now go and do the wright thing!!!

    All the best!!!

    God give you wisdom as you do... I know there are many who know there is wisdom in asking for help and prayer!!! We fight not against flesh and blood… but principalities and power in high places!!!

    O goodie another farm group to replace ones we already have like the NFU for instance. Then we get on our knees to pray but we had better watch out behind us as that will make it easier to **** (woops) service us.



      So now you decide to start a crusade?

      Maybe find a new point man on this file because many on here have been saying the system is ****ed while you disputed their claims.

      When ritz ( your buddy) proclaimed the railways were doing a good job in November of 2013, I called his Ottawa office and told them they were full of shit because you could no longer spot price or deliver grain. That's the first indicator the system is failing.

      You still can't today.

      The minister and his government are so offside on this file that nothing short of the threat of nationalizing something will cure it.

      They are paying for transportation reports that Raitt will publicly dispute.

      That's how ****ed up it is.

      You better realize the conservative MPs have no desire to upset the apple cart as they look for life after politics.

      They don't ****ing care, tom.

      And you are late to this party. The damage is done.


        And yet you embrace C-91 that will further drain the pockets of your fellow farmers - but that's ok cause you will benefit I guess.
        You would make a great political leader tom.


          I was not clear enough I guess
          This is as not about forming another farm group.
          I agree we have plenty now.
          When was the last time any of us...wrote the boards and comimssions our family farm specificly funds? And demanded they lobby and fund studies to end this great injustice Hunters JV is executing on all of us!
          Pick any part of my railing you want... Send it as a Opinion piece to every paper you can find on google!
          We have a very long way to go... To catch that great Hunter JV rail alliance!!!


            So what alliance is behind c-91 ??


              Sorry , bill c-18 ....


                Furrow.. the choice for western Canadian grain growers... to access new and novel genetics... fusarium resistance... nitrogen fixing capacity... any one of many new and exciting opportunities we well could encourage...

                Is a feather in our cap as Canadians. I am sorry you do not see it that way. Simple preparation by retaining seed stocks you enjoy on your farm... is a privilege you are granted under UPOV91. Enjoy these well deserved benefits... as well as the right NOT to be double billed on royalties and levys.

                Have a great day... and write dear Hunter a letter!!!


                  Tom, access is not restricted now( I mean last week, before C-18). Chinese Sumai wheat looks good for FHB resistance, no one was preventing us from getting at it. Work has been done on N fixing wheat for over 30 years, again no restrictions to access.
                  Stronger abilities for big seed cos. to extract profit is all we get, farmers have nothing we didn't already have.


                    I respectfully disagree with your opinion about seed genetics.

                    We are a very small market in the global community. If we do not have good protection for PBR, intellectual property rights, and novel developments in our seeds... we are and will further fall behind those in the global community who can protect plant breeders and attract further research and seed advancements. The old UPOV does not cut it. Which is why the global community has been developing and refining the new UPOV... to advance agriculture and be sustainable in our food production system.



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