I truly think Rockpile, Tweety,... so many of you... all are searching for something to rationalize this system of 'privatization' we have created.
Since the RR Alliance has proven to be unreliable in Service... say 10 percent of the time... the RR must submit to a pool... 10 percent of their freight revenues.
Then a 'Shipper Coalition' arbitration board... will award funds to shippers
FROM this pool of money...
to Whom ever does not receive adequate transport services from the CNCP Alliance. Then CN and CP will have to fight it out amongst the three of them... BNSF, CP, and CN... or whom ever else they can muster... to get their profit out of the pool.
This should cause the blood vessels on some CEO faces to enflame!!!
Everyone Monday... tell your MP and MLA... 'You are sick and Tired... and you are not going to take it any more.' (or words to that effect)...
We will be 'Idle no more' until the powers that be in Ottawa... put our performance pool in place so grain farmers are not held ransom any more by this 'RR shareholder Alliance den of iniquity'
I truly think Rockpile, Tweety,... so many of you... all are searching for something to rationalize this system of 'privatization' we have created.
Since the RR Alliance has proven to be unreliable in Service... say 10 percent of the time... the RR must submit to a pool... 10 percent of their freight revenues.
Then a 'Shipper Coalition' arbitration board... will award funds to shippers
FROM this pool of money...
to Whom ever does not receive adequate transport services from the CNCP Alliance. Then CN and CP will have to fight it out amongst the three of them... BNSF, CP, and CN... or whom ever else they can muster... to get their profit out of the pool.
This should cause the blood vessels on some CEO faces to enflame!!!
Everyone Monday... tell your MP and MLA... 'You are sick and Tired... and you are not going to take it any more.' (or words to that effect)...
We will be 'Idle no more' until the powers that be in Ottawa... put our performance pool in place so grain farmers are not held ransom any more by this 'RR shareholder Alliance den of iniquity'