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    Pencil in an auger mover in your plans. Buy it on sale or whatever. That nearly put me out of farming. Just moving an auger, i put out my back so bad I ended up with an ambulance ride to the hospital, shots of morphine and muscle relaxers. I also spent the following three days at home with a walker!
    Get an auger mover.


      Thanks for the tip. It is simply so far down on my list right now. Gotta save money somehow...


        Yes we do!! If not for the farmers, do it for all those who derive an income from providing products or services to farmers. If farmers have money they spend it and the overall economy benefits. Forget about why the farmers who over extended themselves don't deserve it and look at it from a broader perspective. If there is not cash injected farmers can't spend what they don't have which leads to layoffs throughout the industry. All those who benefit from what we do will begin to hurt as well, think of it as an investment into the provincial economy!


          Cuban fellow, I get your point, I really do. I just disagree. But I started this thread, because yours is soon to be lost off the page, hence less interest. It is a dynamic topic all right.


            Cuban , I take it your a capitalist from your handle but yet you want and demand a socialist approach to the drought dilemma. Do you not carry crop insurance? If not why not? Do you think you need a payout allready even though harvest is months away? The crop is far from a write off yet, even though it looks bad in some areas. We pay lots for insurance so why should you get a handout for poor management?

            I hear the argument all the time that people put money aside instead of going in crop insurance. Truth is people spend that money on other things and when disaster strikes they go demanding a handout.


              Crop insurance doesn't bail out many and really they use 10 year averages.

              Why not a three year Olympic average like agri stability.

              These programs are set up to fail when you need them the most.

              One good year won't raise your average enough to offset the additional expenses to grow more and make less.


                Farmers are capitalists in good times, but quickly turn socialist in bad times.


                  Whoa cuban, hit the brakes. Layoffs in the Ag service industry do not happen that severely. They will do what they can to maintain profits, which may mean less profit for sure, BUT marginally paying less for grain (mystery basis) and charging a little more for the high volume inputs keeps everything going forward.
                  Simmer down! Its just farming, we are not drilling for oil, selling new 90 inch TVs or new cars. Once you realize you are just another primary producer of a high volume commodity sold on A commodity exchange you will find that you should pay for as much (weather) risk management that you possibly can afford. If you qualify for a payment say thank you. If you dont qualify, be thankful.
                  You can now complicate this with as many acres, animals, employees, machines, semis, input suppliers, grain buyers as you see fit to manage.

                  I agree that farmers definitely spend and revolve money. If/when there would be a government aid payout, most often it gets recapitalized into higher land prices, higher rents, higher machinery prices and higher new diesel supermaxhorn trucks.
                  This, in turn, creates a contempt for farmers by "real people"' who work and pay taxes and buy food, gas and TVs. So, your genuine living breathing customer doesnt like you because of a government cash injection pulled right from the taxes they are forced to pay.
                  I buy the risk management I can, if it gets real bad, l will have to make an attempt to make a living doing something else or live in a dumpster in Vancouver. Some days the dumpster is appealing. Most days...not so appealing.



                    So by extension why were the auto companies not just left alone in 2008?.

                    Or better yet why did evraz need a tax break to build in regina. Well because if the saskatchewan government didn't someone else would have. And they would have lost that economic driver.

                    Same logic in agriculture.


                      Hobby has a very good point. No one has less than a million in assets anymore in farming. We have crop insurance agristability etc all highly funded by govt. I for one don't do crop insurance probably should. Sask3 bitched about the free money he got probably 50 grand plus that I did not. I don't think that money should be paid out either. His land went from 40,000 a quarter to 300,000. Now let's look at the auto industry etc that paid all bail outs back or risked govt take over. I think we should face paying back. Maybe Sask3 land would only be worth 200,000 today per quarter. Only using Sask3 as an example but sorta works the same for everyone. If we had less money n would be cheaper. A lot of services would be cheaper. Maybe the electrical shop in Humboldt would not be charging 120 per hour. My auto insurance costs me 8,000 per year. Should not.


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