Lets face it guys, most farmers are so fat and pot bellied(like me), its not even funny. Thats why we hurt ourselves when we pick up an auger. We are so out of shape, its not even funny. Freewheat, his life sounds like mine at his age. An Old McDonald farm. Between pitching square bales, shoveling out flat bottoms, forkin shit, that is what kept you in shape. He probably can pick up a eight inch auger, and run with it, and not worry about his back. Chances are he will slow down in a few years, become lazy(like me), and then he will have to worry about his back.
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lol! There is some truth to that! There are way more pudgy grain only guys around than animal guys I notice. Actually, I nearly have proof that the bigger the farm, the bigger the farmER. lol. They get it all done by their gopher guys, while they text in the truck.
I know crap can happen, there is not doubt in that. But I do have a very string back, and do not think much of moving an auger from one bin to the next at this point. My 8 X 46 Sak is the heavier one. I have a 10X30 supercharged brandt, and it is much easier to move than that Sak.
That all said, I take seriously the comments about a mover. In a few years, my two sons can move the auger for me. lol Then I will become pudgy.
I don't know 70 maybe 80 street fights the first a guy punching me in the face till he was exhausted then i put him in the hospital and went to the hospital to lay some more hurt,the last kicking a man to pieces with a man on each arm pulling me off and laughing at each encounter....
Moral of the story,you aint tough and neither am i.
Well I guess you guys don't want any government assistance. Well I think it will be necessary and many of you will begin to see that going forward.
I will continue to expand every chance I get with as much new iron as I can finance cause I hate pulling wrenches. For those of you cavemen who are scared of change I feel sorry for you. You probably spend you days driving around in your shitty old truck hating your neighbours cause they have something you don't. Must be a pathetic existance!
If things keep going to shit in the states and the dollar collapses, which it will, all of you with cash in the bank that you saved up for a rainy day and went without for years, won't be worth shit. But hey you'll have another reason to spend the next decade complaining and hating everyone who has got what you don't.
I have no problem taking taxpayers money and buying a new fully loaded 3/4 ton truck with it and hooking it to my fifth wheel and ski boat. Just like the taxpayers don't care about the fact that I only get 2-3 cents per loaf of bread or bottle of beer. Oh and lets not forget about the politicians that spend our money on the fanciest hotels and all expense paid business trips. (why can't those bastards stay at the super 8)
While you boys sit at home, bitch and complain about the haves I'll be on the lake with a cold beer between spraying in my new 4940 john deere that I owe 350,000 on and sleep like a baby!
Just thought we might be able to motivate the thief's in regina to sent us some cash.
Good luck this year boys you are gonna need it!!
If a man can touch his toes, he can move an 8" auger. Stay in shape, you'll get more done in a day. Do yoga, stretching, don't need to lift weights. For wood bins/ flat bottoms, shovels are cheap compared to a grain vac. Stay hungry, don't eat too much. Lots of fatties about I've noticed, and its getting worse. Or just buy an auger mover and grain vac.
Cottonpicken,that's an interesting story. Methinks Kimbo Slice wouldn't have lasted against you in last nights Bellator.
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