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WTF? It's an endless circle.

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    WTF? It's an endless circle.

    I know this is not market related, but am I missing something? Was watching Regina news tonight, and the big issue of the refugees. Then less than five minutes later, they are talking about all the homeless people in Regina. So let me get this straight. Let's just open the doors up to anyone to come to Canada, then have more homeless people on the streets, especially in slower times when jobs are not plentiful. What am I missing here, or am I just a cold hearted bastard?

    I thought Canada's immigration policy only accepted people who could pass a sort of means test. I would suspect that wouldn't be the case when it comes to all "refugees" or circumstances.
    I thought if someone just wanted to emigrate here they had to have money. Or was a skilled tradesperson allowed without a suitcase full of cash?


      Cold hearted here too, don't need to import their fight. Need to KILL the right people over there to STOP the insane killing.


        No, not cold hearted just have too much common sense unlike the majority of this country that seem to be squeaky wheels and have all the time in the world to attend rallies for this and for that. Enough problems with people who are already here we don't need more to suck off the gov't tit (teat to be politically correct)


          The media is ridiculous and has very short memories.
          It's like they aren't aware of potential radical Islamic attacks if the gates are opened to 10's of thousands of refugees from countries where ISIS is located.


            Only one percent are terrorist potential, do the math. Still way too many to risk it. All the screening will never be 100%.


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