Grade determinants...
CWRS:--- Fusarium--- Midge
#1--- .25%--- 2.0%
#2--- .80%--- 5.0%
#3--- 1.5%--- 10%
Feed 4.0%--- No Limit
Commercial Salvage >10% Fusarium
No Severe Midge in CWRS(???)
CWAD:--- Fusarium--- Severe Midge
#1--- .50%--- .10%
#2--- .50%--- .25%
#3--- 2.0%--- .75%
#4--- 2.0%--- 2.0%
#5--- 4.0%--- No Limit
Sample if #5 specs aren't met
Commercial Salvage >10% Fusarium
CW Malt: .2 Fusarium
Don't forget all the other "hammers" in the toolbox either.
Sprout, mildew, bleach, HVK...
This could be the type of year that proves how lucky you can be, or how hard it is to get, the top grades.
How hard will it be to pick .10, .25 or .50% damage, or even one or two percent? Haven't we moved past the impossible feat of growing those specs yet?
Oh yea but why do we have to spray.... asks consumers.
CWRS:--- Fusarium--- Midge
#1--- .25%--- 2.0%
#2--- .80%--- 5.0%
#3--- 1.5%--- 10%
Feed 4.0%--- No Limit
Commercial Salvage >10% Fusarium
No Severe Midge in CWRS(???)
CWAD:--- Fusarium--- Severe Midge
#1--- .50%--- .10%
#2--- .50%--- .25%
#3--- 2.0%--- .75%
#4--- 2.0%--- 2.0%
#5--- 4.0%--- No Limit
Sample if #5 specs aren't met
Commercial Salvage >10% Fusarium
CW Malt: .2 Fusarium
Don't forget all the other "hammers" in the toolbox either.
Sprout, mildew, bleach, HVK...
This could be the type of year that proves how lucky you can be, or how hard it is to get, the top grades.
How hard will it be to pick .10, .25 or .50% damage, or even one or two percent? Haven't we moved past the impossible feat of growing those specs yet?
Oh yea but why do we have to spray.... asks consumers.